Actress Accompanies Audience to Celebrate Mother’s Day, Gigi Leung Reveals Being Most Afraid of Daughter Calling During Filming.

The comedy series “How Can My Mother-in-law Be So Adorable” season two has recently premiered. Coinciding with Mother’s Day, producer Chen Huiling, along with actors Zhong Xinling, Su Yanpei, and Ding Yetian, met with fans at the Xingkong Cinema in Sanzhong Village over the weekend.

During the event, Zhong Xinling playfully asked an elderly audience member, “Do you have any mother-in-law problems in your family?” The grandmother shook her head and waved her hand, saying, “Today I am here with my son and daughter-in-law to watch the show,” which led to laughter among the audience.

To promote the new season, Zhong Xinling and Lin Tingyu, who portray the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the series, attended a book talk event yesterday to celebrate Mother’s Day with mothers.

Zhong Xinling shared some humorous and endearing anecdotes about being a mother herself. She mentioned that when she is filming late into the night, her daughter would call her if she couldn’t find her. At first, she would answer the calls, but then realized that once she picked up, she couldn’t hang up, leading to endless conversations. So, she now tells the crew not to let her answer any calls from home or her daughter during filming.

However, Zhong Xinling also emphasized that she tries to make time for her family and her daughter.

Lin Tingyu, also known as “Brave Rabbit,” expressed how she cherishes the time spent with her mother due to her busy work schedule that keeps her away from her family. Living under the same roof as her mother, Lin often helps her handle various matters and acts as a mediator during any arguments between her mother and sister. She believes that sometimes distance can indeed enhance the beauty of relationships.

In the series, the amusing interactions between Zhong Xinling and Ding Yetian, as they participate in a ballroom dancing competition, became a highlight of the show, garnering high viewership ratings. Playing the role of a “young daughter-in-law” for the first time, Zhong Xinling tirelessly tries to impress Ding Yetian, who portrays her mother-in-law, with her devotion. In a dance competition scene, the two of them move with the rhythm but also subtly challenge each other with their steps.

Ding Yetian teasingly joked with Zhong Xinling, saying, “You have inherent flaws, no matter how hard you try.” This remark led Zhong Xinling to retort, “Come on! Your son is nothing special either.” The on-screen mother-in-law and daughter-in-law duo engage in a comical battle of wits.