Family of the deceased girl in Jiangsu car accident slams authorities, online rumors claim more than one person dead

Recently, a car accident occurred in Nantong, Jiangsu Province, China. Initially, the official report stated that no one had died. However, the family of the deceased girl, Yuyu, in this accident raised doubts about the official statement, accusing the authorities of concealing the truth. After widespread attention, local officials finally confirmed one death. Internet users revealed that besides Yuyu, multiple people died at the scene. Videos also showed many people in uniforms present “maintaining stability” when parents demanded answers.

On May 10th, a bus carrying elementary school students collided with a dump truck at an intersection in Nantong, Jiangsu. The official report at the time claimed that the accident resulted in 8 injuries.

However, internet users questioned this report. One user revealed, “I am from Nantong, and the accident site is close to my home. My mother just called me to say that two children died on the spot, one of them with severe head injuries, lying unattended until a kind passerby took off his coat to cover the child’s head. Over twenty children were being treated, with only a few lightly injured. The people of Nantong lined up overnight to donate blood to the children. If it wasn’t serious as reported, why would so many people donate blood? The key is that the children in the emergency room, parents who went to the hospital were not informed about their children’s whereabouts or the severity of their injuries. So far, parents have not found their children, unsure if they are alive or dead—whether they are still being treated or already gone.”

On May 11th and 12th, Yuyu’s mother, speaking on social media, demanded the truth about the incident where her daughter, Yuyu (real name Gu Zixi), perished. She revealed that after the accident, she received no phone call and only learned from group messages that her child had been in an accident. When she and her husband rushed to the hospital, they still weren’t informed of the truth, only for a nurse to eventually tell them their child had passed away.

Yuyu’s mother accused the school of not informing her immediately about her daughter’s tragic passing. She questioned the delayed official report which portrayed the child who died at the scene as having passed away after full rescue efforts.

She raised doubts, suspecting the child had likely lost her life on the spot, although officials claimed there were no deaths. A man at the scene even helped cover the girl’s head with a black shirt, for which she thanked him for preserving Yuyu’s dignity.

This man later spoke out, mentioning his hesitation from Suqian, Jiangsu, a rural child himself. He hesitated for 10 seconds before rescuing, thinking about his own family and children. “Actually, this incident has left a deep shadow in my heart. I didn’t sleep all night. I believe heaven must be beautiful, and I don’t want the children to look back. I don’t want you to look back…”

Yuyu’s mother also shared a heartbreaking image of her daughter lying in a hospital bed— her face wrapped in gauze, eyes covered, her face and mouth deformed, unable to close her upper jaw.

On the 12th, a video circulated showing Yuyu’s family outside the funeral home holding a banner with red letters stating “Give me back my daughter.” Yuyu’s grandmother addressed the surrounding people, questioning the truth of the situation, saying, “She’s gone; they said they tried to save her for 4 hours, speaking nonsense with their eyes open. Do they have humanity? Covering up the truth. Government officials, can your conscience bear this…”

She also mentioned not being afraid of the authorities but demanded the truth.

Yuyu’s mother stood outside the funeral home gate, holding her daughter’s small blanket, tearfully recounting the incident to onlookers, describing how a boy carried her daughter out of the bus covered in her brain matter, with half of her face missing.

The tragic fate of the deceased girl has garnered widespread attention online, with netizens from all over the country sending flower bouquets to express sympathy. Yuyu’s mother thanked the online community for their support. Yuyu’s memorial was filled with flowers sent by netizens from across the country.

On the 11th, the girl’s cousin questioned the authorities:

1. What were the police and the school doing during the two hours between the incident and informing the parents?

2. Why weren’t the parents notified immediately? Parents were only contacted two hours after the incident. The school and teachers must have had the student roster.

3. After the accident, Yuyu’s nose and brain were severely injured (we suspect she died on the spot). So, during the five-plus hours at the hospital, were they truly making all-out efforts to save her, or just prolonging the situation?

4. Since the incident on the 10th, we haven’t received any messages or calls. The child’s body is already being prepared for cremation at the funeral home, and the police keep saying they are still investigating. Are they really conducting a thorough investigation? Or just dragging it out to cool down the situation?

Following the public outcry, on the night of the 11th, the Chongchuan district of Nantong, Jiangsu Province reported that on May 10th, the collision between the bus and dump truck resulted in 1 fatality, 1 severe injury, all students, 6 minor or slight injuries. The involved bus carried 45 people, including 39 students from Tonghe Elementary School in Chongchuan District, 3 teachers, 2 parents, 1 driver. On that day, the school organized a student participation in an art festival performance.

However, netizens revealed that multiple children died at the scene. “At least six children are gone, and some are still being rescued! Poor children! They are treasures at home. How heartbreaking!”

“I never expected this to be a final farewell. I cried… I can’t bear to watch. Where is justice? Where is justice? Gu Zixi, Wang Ziyao, Uncle tells you, Uncle’s belief is wavering! I hope Ziyao brother takes care of you there.” “There is also a little girl from Shanghai Kangcheng School, with even less attention.”

There was also a video circulating online, with a parent at the hospital angrily questioning the school for not informing parents after the incident. Several uniformed riot police officers were present inside the hospital for “stability maintenance,” and government officials barred people from filming.

Netizens also revealed that “Each parent is locked inside a hotel in Nantong, many police officers standing in rows.” “I saw it too! How angry and helpless these parents must be…”

Local residents disclosed that the traffic lights at the junction where the accident occurred were malfunctioning. “The lights for straight traffic on both sides were off, only the left turn red light was on; the traffic lights malfunctioned.” “There were reports that the traffic lights were broken yesterday, and nobody fixed them.”

Yuyu’s mother commented, saying, “We exchanged my daughter’s life for the repair of traffic lights in Nantong. The cost is too high!”

One netizen revealed that the red light for the direction of the bus was not on, but the green light was, leading to the bus running the “red light” and colliding with the dump truck.