Dutch Female Artist Uses Both Hands and Feet to Paint 10 Drawings Simultaneously

【Epoch Times News, May 11, 2024】Dutch 31-year-old female artist Rajacenna van Dam possesses the extraordinary talent of being able to paint with all four limbs, using both hands and both feet simultaneously to create up to 10 drawings at once. She is believed to be the only artist in the world with this ability.

According to a report by Agence France-Presse on May 8, Dam showcased her exceptional skill of painting 10 artworks simultaneously with all four limbs in a museum in the southern Netherlands. The canvases were placed on tables, the floor, and easels, with most of them being upside down. The subjects of her paintings included astronauts, self-portraits, pandas, and more.

Dam told AFP that she first envisions the content of these artworks in her mind before allowing her focus to shift between the different canvases.

She mentioned that she has loved drawing since she was young. Despite originally being left-handed, she started painting with both hands simultaneously five years ago. She discovered her ability to be ambidextrous.

Previous reports by Epoch Times have documented her ability to simultaneously paint on different paper sheets with her left and right hands, ultimately producing two completely different portraits.

Dam noted that a journalist once jokingly asked her if she could also paint with her toes. She accepted the challenge and began practicing, successfully learning to paint with her toes.

A video showcasing her painting with all four limbs quickly went viral online, leading to a surge in orders for her work.

Her technique is so proficient that only she can distinguish the differences between her paintings done with her hands and those done with her feet. She remarked, “I can really see a big difference. It (referring to paintings done with her feet) is a bit less precise.”

To her knowledge, she is the only person capable of simultaneously painting 10 pictures with her hands and feet.

She mentioned that she easily gets bored and enjoys challenging herself. Painting multiple pictures at once gives her a sense of meditation, bringing her a great deal of calmness.

She said, “I hope people are inspired to do more, challenge themselves a bit more, maybe do something like painting with their feet.”

Dam’s father revealed that each of her artworks is priced between 6,000 and 12,000 euros (approximately $6,450 to $12,900).

He mentioned that as parents, they also find her to be exceptional, surprising them. They are unaware of how she manages to do it.

However, he stated that research by German-Turkish neuroscientist Onur Gunturkun indicated that “the connectivity of both hemispheres of her brain is three times the average level,” allowing her to accomplish what neurology deems impossible.

(Click here to watch a video of Dam painting eight portraits simultaneously with her hands and feet.)