International Nurses’ Day: Pingtung Hospital Commends Nursing Staff’s Dedication

In celebration of International Nurses Day, Pingtung Hospital under the Ministry of Health and Welfare held a ceremony on the 8th to honor the hardworking white-cloaked angels who care for patients day in and day out. They commended 22 outstanding nursing role models, 24 nursing angels of smiles, and 17 senior nursing staff with over 10 years of service, recognizing their exceptional performance and contributions in the field of nursing.

The theme of this year’s International Nurses Day is “Our Nurses. Our Future”. It emphasizes the economic strength that nursing brings, highlighting how healthcare can create a healthy human race and society, promoting a healthy economy.

The event was designed around the theme of the Star Wars movie, integrating the film’s main characters. Medical care is likened to a battleship in space, with the hospital director leading the team to work together in unity towards a common goal of fighting diseases and safeguarding public health. It showcased the creative and lively side of nursing personnel, allowing them to relieve stress from their work through this imaginative setting.

Among the recognized nurses this year is Nurse Zhang Jiamin, who has served at Pingtung Hospital for 14 years. Under the nurturing atmosphere of this big family, she provides patients with physical, mental, and emotional care with love, warmth, calmness, and skill. Her professional knowledge and selfless dedication have brought warmth and hope to numerous patients. Another award recipient, Specialist Nurse Cai Xiuzhen, who received the Smile Angel Award, shared that wearing a smile and maintaining a positive mindset at all times is the way to interact with others and the driving force supporting her on the nursing path.

Director of the Nursing Department, Zeng Huiwen, mentioned the current global and Taiwan-specific challenge of a shortage of nursing manpower. The government is actively investing in and improving nursing working conditions to attract more outstanding nursing talents. She also expressed the highest respect and gratitude to all nursing staff for their hard work, reminding dear nursing partners to take care of their own health while safeguarding public health. She looks forward to more nursing staff joining the ranks at Pingtung Hospital, becoming white-cloaked angels protecting public health.

During his speech, Director Li Yilun of Pingtung Hospital urged all nurses to approach clinical nursing work with a resolute attitude, professional skills, and selfless dedication, guarding the lives of every patient. The hospital has long prioritized the working environment of nurses, striving to enhance their welfare, optimize working conditions, and value the opinions of nursing colleagues. In the future, efforts will continue to be made to improve salaries, benefits, and create a positive and friendly workplace environment to attract and retain excellent talents, ensuring a better future for nurses.