9-year-old American girl suddenly describes past life, parents shocked

A 9-year-old girl in the United States suddenly recalled memories from her past life, astonishing her parents by describing details of her previous existence. Following their investigation, they discovered that she may have originated from an ancient civilization that has long vanished.

The story of this young girl named Ahna was recently shared by the American television channel LMN. Her father, Chris, is a business consultant, and her mother, Jillian, runs an organic bakery.

Ahna claimed to have reincarnated from an ancient civilization that sank beneath the sea due to an earthquake centuries ago. She could communicate with the deceased and vividly recount her past life’s daily activities.

Jillian recounted that one morning, at the age of 9, Ahna woke up and asked for paper and a pen. She remembered a language from her past life and drew symbols on the paper resembling ancient script, along with their meanings.

Jillian said, “The whole thing was shocking to me.”

Chris mentioned that Ahna had a near-death experience and spoke about communicating with the departed, something he found inexplicable but very real. She then began describing her life in ancient times, which took him by surprise.

He said Ahna described caves, simple dwellings, desert-like surroundings, and daily events. “The way she talked was as if she was really walking around in the place where she used to live.”

He noted that Ahna described details from the perspective of a local resident, not just through imagination, as if she had truly witnessed her past life’s daily routines.

He said, “The more she described, the more I realized she was just talking about what she saw, followed by a series of experiences and emotions.”

Chris questioned how his daughter acquired all this information but believed it went far beyond a child’s imagination.

He mentioned that one day Ahna told him about a tragic event, involving an earthquake in her past life’s village. When the earthquake struck, the ground cracked, sand sank, roofs collapsed, and villagers fled.

He said, “Her description was so specific, as if she were witnessing it again. I was amazed.”

Ahna also frequently drew pictures based on her memories. Chris and Jillian believe these depict the island where she lived in her past life.

Chris said, “I realized that this didn’t come from media or her imagination; this is recollection. I strongly believe her experiences are real to her. These things surpass a child’s imagination.”

The couple decided to conduct some research. They were surprised to learn that scientists discovered an ancient civilization named Heracleion in the year 2000.

Articles they found indicated that this ancient Egyptian port city dates back to the 12th century BC and was submerged underwater due to an earthquake. The articles even included a digitally created image of the city.

Jillian stated that the image closely resembled the one Ahna drew, proving that her past life indeed existed.

She said, “I can’t imagine having memories of another life at the age of 9.”

Ahna, now 11 years old, has joined an organization called “Earth Angels,” whose members are children with similar past life experiences.

Ahna said, “When I was younger, I have memories of living in an ancient town, with a clear recollection of daily activities.”