Zhang Youxia Surges into the Spotlight: Is a “Soft Military Coup” Happening in Zhongnanhai?

Recently, various anomalies have appeared among the senior leaders of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). One of these anomalies is the high exposure rate of Vice Chairman of the CCP Central Military Commission, Zhang Youxia, which starkly contrasts with the relatively low profile of another Vice Chairman, He Weidong. Experts have analyzed multiple clues and suggested that the military power of CCP leader Xi Jinping may have been weakened, hinting at a potential “soft military coup” in Zhongnanhai.

According to a report by the CCP’s Xinhua News Agency, the CCP’s joint military training session was held in Zhangjiakou, Hebei from October 20th to 22nd. Vice Chairman of the CCP Central Military Commission, Zhang Youxia, attended the meeting to observe the exercises and deliver a speech.

Although the report states that the meeting was approved by Xi Jinping, the unusually high exposure rate of Zhang Youxia in recent times has attracted attention.

A review of the official website of the CCP’s Ministry of National Defense by a reporter from the Epoch Times revealed that since his appearance at the Central Military Commission’s political work meeting in June, Vice Chairman He Weidong has only spoken at the opening ceremony of a special seminar for senior military cadres on September 2nd and met high-ranking officials from Myanmar, South Africa, and Pakistan on September 13th at the Beijing Fragrant Hill Forum.

In contrast, since appearing at the Central Military Commission’s political work meeting in June, Zhang Youxia has had more than 10 high-profile appearances, including rare meetings with US National Security Advisor Sullivan, the Russian Defense Minister, and award ceremonies for astronauts.

In addition to the events featuring Zhang Youxia that were not listed on the Ministry of National Defense’s official website, on October 17th, Xi Jinping inspected a strategic missile unit in Anhui, accompanied by Zhang Youxia. Of note, a report by Caixin on this occasion unusually juxtaposed the names of Xi and Vice Chairman Zhang Youxia in the headline, seen as signaling a sensitive message.

Caixin’s report was titled “Xi Jinping Inspects Rocket Army Unit, Zhang Youxia Participates in Activities,” listing Xi and Zhang together. The original news headline can no longer be found on Caixin’s website.

Commentator Zhou Xiaohui pointed out that most other news reports typically only mention “Xi Jinping” in the headlines, with Zhang Youxia’s name appearing towards the end of the article. Caixin’s report placing Xi and Zhang together in the headline is extremely rare, indicating Zhang Youxia holds an exceptional position within the military.

He believes that such a situation can only have one explanation – that Zhang Youxia is the one truly in control of the military, and many within the CCP are already aware of this. Otherwise, placing Zhang alongside Xi would be seen as usurping, with consequences that Zhang Youxia and Caixin’s chief editor would not be able to bear.

Caixin’s media president, Hu Shuli, comes from a background known as the “second generation red.” Over the past decade, Caixin’s website has repeatedly touched on sensitive topics, leveraging its background to report on such issues.

On October 15th, Vice Chairman of the CCP Central Military Commission, Zhang Youxia, met with Russian Defense Minister Andrey Belousov during his visit to Beijing. Xi Jinping did not meet with Belousov during this visit, as he was inspecting Fujian at the time. Back in October 2018, when former Russian Defense Minister Shoigu visited China, Xi Jinping met with him.

Recently, during a self-media program, overseas political analyst Chen Pokong stated that Belousov’s promotion from Russia’s first deputy prime minister to defense minister places him higher in rank than his predecessor Shoigu. However, Xi Jinping’s lack of a meeting with Belousov reflects his gradual withdrawal from military affairs. The real power within the CCP’s military no longer lies with Xi Jinping but is under the control of Zhang Youxia and his faction.

Former Chinese Navy Colonel Staff Officer Yao Cheng, in an interview with the Epoch Times, mentioned that Xi Jinping is currently not allowed to express his views within the CCP Central Military Commission, which has become a fact. He stated that Xi Jinping has essentially been excluded from military affairs within the Central Military Commission.

At over 70 years old, Zhang Youxia has always been considered the heir apparent favored by Xi. He was retained at the 20th Party Congress and was originally seen as someone used by Xi to stabilize the military’s loyalty. However, Xi also appointed another Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission, He Weidong, who belongs to the Fujian faction, as a supervisor. Xi Jinping has been purging the military system since last year, targeting former Defense Minister Li Shangfu and other generals, a move seen as possibly affecting Zhang Youxia, leading to a strain in his relationship with Xi.

On October 22nd, international affairs commentator Tang Hao stated in the program “Crossroads of the World” that there are strange signs emerging from Zhongnanhai, with multiple clues indicating that Xi Jinping may have been collaboratively stripped of his military power by the bigwigs alongside Zhang Youxia.

He pointed out that during Xi Jinping’s visit to Anhui at “Liu Chi Lane,” which has an anecdote that says “let him have three feet, what harm could it do.” Xi, when visiting, said he was deeply touched, signaling that he should have already made concessions in the power struggle within the party.

Tang Hao noted that regardless of Xi’s sentiments, it is highly likely that his military authority has been dismantled. In other words, a “soft military coup” may have taken place within Zhongnanhai.