Israeli military breaches UN camp, Chinese IT unit completely wiped out

Hello everyone, welcome to “Current Events Scan”. I am Jinran. Please subscribe to our channel, support us, like, comment, and share our content.

Today’s focus is on Israel’s bombardment of a Chinese military camp, tanks entering a UN base; Israel cyber-attacks Iranian nuclear facilities, CCP Hezbollah IT team wiped out; Hezbollah drones strike elite Israeli troops; CCP sudden Taiwan military drills with F-16s targeting J-15s.

The changes in the Middle East conflicts have left people puzzled. I wouldn’t be surprised if Israel’s army attacks any country in the Middle East, but clashing with UN peacekeeping forces still surprises me.

On October 13, Israeli tanks forcefully entered the UN peacekeeping base in Lebanon, also known as the “UNIFIL” force. This is not a rumor; it has been confirmed. The UN temporary base in Lebanon issued a statement, stating that in the early morning, two Israeli Merkava main battle tanks crashed through the gates of the peacekeeping force’s camp.

In fact, the Israeli Defense Forces not only stormed the UN peacekeeping base but also demolished one of their observation tower posts. Some may question why it’s excessive to dismantle a UN peacekeeping tower while attacking Hezbollah. Let’s first look at the origin of the conflict.

Some say: Isn’t this supposed to be peacekeeping? The UN observation towers seem to be watching over Hezbollah instead! And these watchtowers and tunnels have been around for a long time. The Israeli military doesn’t care about the UN or not, once they discovered it, they immediately demanded the UNIFIL force to evacuate the base, and the end result was the UN force realized the Israelis were not joking and swiftly evacuated within three hours, leaving no trace.

Subsequently, the Israeli military found that the UN peacekeeping forces and Hezbollah were interdependent and surveilling one another not just at this observation post, but also at another UNIFIL base where a large amount of Hezbollah weapons were openly stored on an approximately 500-meter open area.

So why did the UN send peacekeeping forces to Lebanon in the first place? In 2006, 18 years ago, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 1701, authorizing the establishment of a 10,500-strong UN peacekeeping force to be stationed in Lebanon, with one of its primary tasks being: disarming all Lebanese militia groups including Hezbollah and securing the release of Israeli hostages. However, 18 years later, the situation observed was Hezbollah’s continual growth under the monitoring of the UN peacekeeping forces in Lebanon, with Hezbollah frequently launching missile attacks against Israel. The UN peacekeeping force not only became a mere display but also the area near their base became a safe haven for Hezbollah.

Over the years, the UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon has been spending $500 million annually, with local Lebanese employees being paid increasingly.

Perhaps other countries may be intimidated by the UN’s reputation, but Israel doesn’t fall for that. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu recently directly warned Guterres: “I’m directly addressing the UN Secretary-General: If you refuse to withdraw UNIFIL soldiers, you are turning them into Hezbollah hostages. If you don’t withdraw the ‘peacekeeping personnel,’ you will endanger their lives.”

You’ll find that wherever there is a major unfinished project in the world today, you can often trace the presence of the CCP. In the so-called “peacekeeping force” stationed in Lebanon, there are teams dispatched by the CCP, currently admitting to having 410 personnel with their exclusive base. However, recently, the Israelis managed to bomb it, prompting the CCP to release a recorded video with music, portraying a rather uneasy feel, not the usual self-proclaimed “wolf warrior” pride, more like a gesture of “even from a distance, one can provoke”.

On October 12, during Israel’s clearance operation against Hezbollah in Lebanon, it was discovered that a destroyed secret Hezbollah location contained a large number of rockets aided by the CCP. Israel captured and released footage of this incident.

With Israel’s superior intelligence capabilities, they should have known about the CCP assisting Hamas and Hezbollah long ago. They likely have evidence of CCP military supporting terrorists in Gaza and Lebanon, but even so, one thing shows the humane side of Israelis. On October 7, marking the anniversary of a year since Israel was attacked by Hamas terrorists, the Israeli consulate in Los Angeles commemorated those who died in the attack by displaying 1400 flags. Each flag represented a victim. Among them were 12 Chinese flags, representing the 12 Chinese citizens who died in the Hamas attack that year. Interestingly, the Chinese official media never mentions these 12 individuals. So, who truly respects the Chinese people and values their lives? If this incident doesn’t make certain individuals reflect, it’s evident that something is amiss.

Israel’s surprising strikes against various Middle Eastern countries always keep people on edge, especially concerning how Israel would handle Iran. In reality, Israel has already taken action since October 11. Reports from Iranian media indicate that on the 11th, Iran suffered a large-scale cyber-attack, targeting the government’s judiciary, legislative, and executive servers, resulting in stolen sensitive information. Furthermore, fuel distribution, cities, transportation, ports, etc., fell victim to this cyber onslaught. Even Iran’s most critical nuclear facility servers were infiltrated, leading to the loss of classified information. While Israel previously retaliated with low-level attacks against Hezbollah, this time regarding Iran, they engaged in advanced cyber warfare as a prelude to a significant retaliatory action.

Israel’s cyber-attack was a bold move of “I came, I saw, I conquered,” while in response to cyber-attacks on Israel, their retaliation was decisive. Recently, the IDF bombed the CCP-assisted Hezbollah IT team stationed in Lebanon.

A ‘Chaozhou billionaire friend’ from China posted: paying respects to the doctoral team at the intersection of Lebanon and Syria who died in action. All of them held doctoral degrees and enhanced their mission’s interference splendidly. However, they were betrayed by a local traitor within the organization Mossad employed, exposing their whereabouts and coordinates, leading to their deaths from an Israeli F-35 stealth plane. Their alma mater was from a university in northwestern China.

This incident is not acknowledged by either side, but based on the evidence of the CCP supporting terrorists in Gaza and Lebanon revealed by Israel, such actions have probably been ongoing by the CCP, and Israel’s direct deadly response is not a novelty.

As the saying goes, if you walk by the river enough, you’re bound to get your shoes wet. Israel’s top-notch air defense capability is well-known, but being preoccupied with Hezbollah’s confrontation, they still fell prey to a loophole.

On October 12, Hezbollah launched drone attacks on an Israeli military base, resulting in 68 injuries, with 3 critically wounded personnel succumbing to death. According to the Israeli military radio, Hezbollah meticulously planned the attack, first launching rocket strikes before deploying three attack drones towards Israel, successfully evading Israeli air defenses. Despite two drones being shot down, one penetrated deep into Israeli territory. This particular drone likely carried a Soviet S-5 rocket and targeted a soldier’s cafeteria of the elite Golan Brigade — causing Israel’s most extensive casualties since the offensive against Hezbollah began.

It’s noteworthy that Israel recently heeded Biden’s counsel, temporarily halting airstrikes against Hezbollah targets in Beirut last weekend. It is estimated that Israel will swiftly resume offensive actions. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) recently released a map detailing the ongoing skirmishes in southern Lebanon, showcasing the IDF’s next ground offensive. The IDF has completed clearing Hezbollah from south of the Litani River (Here is Israel, and Litani River is in Lebanon), and currently demands residents in a region south of another area bordering the Litani River to evacuate northward to facilitate ongoing efforts to eliminate Hezbollah militants in the area. It seems they are employing a chunk-by-chunk clearance strategy similar to Hamas in Gaza.

Following Taiwan’s National Day celebrations, the CCP military abruptly launched military drills, codenamed “Joint Sword 2024B,” held from the early morning of October 14 until late afternoon, with approximately 125 CCP aircraft, 17 combat warships, 17 coast guard vessels, and government ships participating in this cost-saving drill. Surprisingly, although initially a drill, it turns out Taiwan’s F-16V fighter jets locked onto CCP military aircraft.

Of particular note, Taiwan also launched its self-produced Jianyun drones for real-time monitoring of the CCP’s exercise participating warships.

That wraps up this edition of “Current Events Scan”. We appreciate your support, please subscribe to our channel, like, comment, and share our content. Your direct financial support is also highly appreciated. Until next time.

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