South African Elephant Performs Funny Acts on the Road Like in a Circus Show

In recent news from Kruger National Park in South Africa, two elephants were seen engaging in playful antics on the road, resembling a circus performance. This rare sight was captured by visitors at the park.

According to a report from “Latest Sightings” website, Pnina Spinner and her family were on a safari trip at Kruger National Park one morning. As they were heading back to their camp in the southern part of the park for lunch, they spotted three elephants on the tar road.

As the day progressed towards noon and the weather became hotter, they decided to stay back and observe the three elephants. To their surprise, instead of heading into the bushes to forage, the elephants started playing on the road.

Perhaps attracted by the lush greenery at the roadside, these elephants decided to have some fun before their mealtime. Two of the elephants quickly shifted their focus from eating to playing.

Elephants exhibit strong and intricate social behaviors, and sometimes they engage in playfulness together. However, what Spinner and her family witnessed seemed like a carefully choreographed circus act. The two elephants took turns stretching their bodies, even lying down on the ground like kittens, and amusingly flapping their ears at each other.

Meanwhile, another elephant was peacefully grazing on the grass nearby, while two white vehicles waited on the roadside for passage. The playful elephants seemed oblivious to the fact that they were blocking the path for others.

The sight of such majestic and imposing animals being so mischievous was truly entertaining. Everyone in the vehicles enjoyed watching the scene, especially the children in the back seat. They likened it to a circus performance unfolding before their eyes.

However, their playtime was short-lived as they had to get back to feeding. They seemed to happily move away, putting a perfect end to this impromptu show.

(Click here to watch the related video clip)