The Poison of the Chinese Communist Party Harms the World: Exchange Student Stabs Boy in Switzerland, Prompting Reflection.

On the 75th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party’s rule, a Chinese student studying in Switzerland reportedly stabbed three young children, sparking political implications due to his online expressions of affection towards the CCP. Meanwhile, on the same day, Chinese tourists in Taiwan disrupted a gathering of Hong Kong residents. The previous day, a indiscriminate stabbing incident occurred in Shanghai, China.

Experts pointed out that due to the detrimental ideological indoctrination by the CCP, from indiscriminate violence within China to attacks on Swiss children abroad, the harm caused by the CCP has directly spread globally, ultimately affecting the Chinese people themselves.

According to Swiss authorities, on October 1st, a Chinese man attacked three five-year-old boys with a knife on their way to a daycare center, but the children are now out of life-threatening danger.

Local media outlet “The Local” reported that the suspect behind the attack on the three Swiss children is a Chinese student pursuing a master’s degree at the University of Zurich. On the day of the incident, he first shared fantasies involving a female in a social media post and expressed his love for the CCP and the ruling party. Since October 1st is the founding day of the CCP, the report questioned a potential connection between this date and the suspect’s actions.

Although the authorities have not released the suspect’s name, netizens on social media have identified a Zurich University computational linguistics master’s student named Fan Yuhao. Fan Yuhao had previously expressed anger on Instagram about recent discussions at the University concerning Taiwan sovereignty.

It was reported by China’s Caixin on October 2nd that the motive of the attacker remains unclear. However, Caixin also mentioned that Swiss media noted the social media posts of the Chinese student expressing love for his country and the ruling party.

In response to the incident in Switzerland coinciding with the CCP founding day, and the targeting of children, it naturally raises suspicions. However, specific reasons require further investigation.

Lai Rongwei, the Executive Director of the Taiwan Inspiration Association, expressed concerns about the escalation of aggressive nationalism promoted by the CCP rather than fostering self-confidence among the Chinese people. This dangerous trend has morphed into a form of invasive nationalism, disregarding the values of other countries’ citizens or civilizations.

He viewed it as a terrifying development of terrorism where suppressed anger and extreme propaganda influences might lead to violent acts against others, evolving into what he described as “lone wolf” terrorism.

Prior to this incident, on the 93rd anniversary of the “9.18” incident, a 10-year-old boy attending a Japanese school in Guangdong, Shenzhen, was fatally stabbed. Despite demands from the Japanese side to reveal the truth, the Chinese authorities labeled it as an “accidental event” without addressing the motives of the perpetrator.

In June of this year, three Japanese…

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