Police officer Li Chang was shot; Informant reveals insider information.

Hello everyone, welcome to “News Insight”, I am Li Xin.

Today’s focus: Chaos during National Day! Unusual events at high-level CCP meetings; Shooting of the director of the Shaoyang City Public Security Bureau, insider reveals secrets; Overseas Chinese gathering at consulates: No National Day, only national mourning! Giving a funeral to the CCP!

On the morning of National Mourning Day, October 1st, a shooting incident occurred inside the Shaoyang City Public Security Bureau during the flag-raising ceremony. Director Li Changyue was suddenly shot by Deputy Squadron Leader Duan Peng of the Special Police, leading to serious injuries and ongoing rescue efforts.

This news has been censored in mainland China, with an article praising Duan Peng as an outstanding young police officer from 2022 being inaccessible online. However, Duan Peng’s introduction page on Baidu Baike has not disappeared. Currently, there has been no official announcement or response from the CCP regarding the event. Insiders indicated that the shooter and the director of the Public Security Bureau had conflicts over promotion issues. The shooter was a member of the “Cheetah Assault Team” and fired multiple shots, including two at the director. The special police officer then committed suicide and has died, with both individuals undergoing emergency treatment at the hospital.

According to an article from 2022 by Hunan official media, the so-called “Cheetah Assault Team” is a patrol special police squadron of the Shaoyang Public Security Bureau Special Police Second Squadron, established in 2008, with 17 members and 13 auxiliary police officers, mainly responsible for stability maintenance, handling of emergencies, anti-terrorism, and riot control work.

Moreover, former Inner Mongolia official Du Wen living in Europe revealed in a post on X: “Breaking news inside the wall, sudden event on National Day (National Mourning Day): Li Changyue, member of the party group of the Shaoyang City Government of Hunan Province, Deputy Mayor, Party Secretary of the Shaoyang City Public Security Bureau, was shot dead by Duan Peng, Deputy Squadron Leader of the Special Police Second Squadron of the Shaoyang City Public Security Bureau on National Day (National Mourning Day). This morning, Duan Peng posted all his honors on his Moments, then he decisively fired three shots towards Li Changyue and two others, killing one person and injuring two others, chaos ensued on the scene, there are several motives…”.

The personal information posted by Du Wen about Duan Peng shows that Duan Peng (male, Han nationality), born in December 1987, graduated from Hunan Police College, with a height of 1.92 meters, weight of 100 kilograms, and was awarded the title of “Outstanding Young Police Officer in the National Public Security Organs”. In 2011, he participated in the first Hunan Province Public Security System Sanda Challenge Tournament, won the runner-up in the over 85kg category; in 2021, he was awarded the “Shaoyang City Youth May Fourth Medal”, and in June 2022, he was selected as the 20th Hunan Province Youth Model Worker, among others.

Public data on the injured party shows that Shaoyang City Public Security Bureau Director Li Changyue, 52 years old, previously worked in the public security system in Chenzhou, and was transferred to Shaoyang City in 2021. He holds a master’s degree in law and currently serves as a member of the party group of the Shaoyang City Government, Deputy Mayor, Party Secretary and Director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Anti-CCP internet celebrity residing in Australia, Yin Ke (online alias: Jiang Wangzheng), told Dajiyuan that he obtained first-hand information from democratic youth within the CCP system in Shaoyang. He said that there were three reasons for Duan Peng’s shooting of Li Changyue: first, the former director had decided to promote Duan Peng to the position of squadron leader, but after Li Changyue took office, he suppressed Duan Peng for a long time, and after accepting bribes, promoted someone else to the position of squadron leader, who couldn’t handle any tasks, leaving all the work to Duan Peng; second, during this year’s “National Day,” Duan Peng had already requested leave to go on a family trip, but the squadron leader forced him to cancel his vacation and continue working; third, a conflict between Duan Peng and Li Changyue had arisen in the handling of a previous case, leading to deep resentment.

Yin Ke believes that “due to the differences between the former and current directors, a kind of distortion was created in his mind! In the CCP system, especially within the police force, the issue of ‘promotion obstruction’ is more than ten times more severe than ‘kill father and take wife’ in ancient times. But now, within the CCP system, there is a saying that blocking promotion is like killing one’s own parents. He clearly knows that if this person doesn’t allow him to be promoted, it may lead to murderous intentions. However, since the CCP’s seizure of power in 1949 until now, such public killings are indeed the first time.”

During the “National Day,” China was truly restless. In addition to the shooting incident at the Shaoyang City Public Security Bureau, a mass killing took place at a Walmart store in Songjiang District, Shanghai, on September 30th, where official reports confirmed 3 deaths and 15 injuries. However, insiders revealed that 7 people died.

On September 29th, a serious traffic accident occurred in Zangtun Town, Dacheng County, Langfang, Hebei province, involving a collision between a truck and a bus. Local residents revealed that it seemed someone, unable to go on, detonated explosives on a bus. The bus then lost control and collided with a large truck, resulting in multiple fatalities.

Additionally, there were rumors circulating on the internet that on the early morning of September 30th, a deputy mayor in Jinzhou, Liaoning, was exterminated.

Renowned writer and commentator Li Chengpeng posted comments on X, saying: “This is the era of chaos: people will die, officials will die. During ‘National Day,’ as the flag-raising ceremony took place in the Shaoyang City Public Security Bureau, gunshots suddenly rang out, and the Public Security Bureau director was shot down… In Shanghai, a man wielding a knife attacked 18 people, resulting in three deaths. Adding to this, a few days ago, there were rumors about the Executive Director of the Hunan Finance Department being thrown downstairs and a Deputy Mayor being exterminated… This is an unstoppable trend. Even if the stock market surges by another ten thousand points, it cannot stop it.” “Have you noticed a phenomenon: in the past, when the people encountered difficulties, they used to kneel in front of the government, but now instead of kneeling, it has become popular to group together and jump off bridges or buildings. Recently, it has evolved into taking up arms against officials. This trajectory of action goes from trusting in higher powers, to despairing of the future, to trading one life for another, which is a harbinger of the times.”

The CCP’s grand celebration of the so-called 75th National Day faced unexpected challenges. During “National Day,” a series of violent incidents continued to erupt. While firecrackers and salutes resounded, the sound of knives and bullets were also heard. It seems like a never-ending cycle of actions. National Day has truly turned into a day of national mourning. How many more National Days can the CCP celebrate?

Overseas, on the occasion of the CCP’s 75th anniversary of usurping power, multiple democratic and human rights groups in the US held rallies and marches in major cities where Chinese communities gather, such as San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York, to denounce the CCP’s tyranny over the past 75 years.

In San Francisco, a large group of protesters gathered in front of the CCP Consulate in San Francisco on September 30th, chanting slogans like “No National Day, only national mourning” and “Down with the CCP, down with Xi Jinping,” and delivered several speeches.

Protesters displayed dozens of posters documenting the CCP’s atrocities and the numerous disasters suffered by the Chinese people. One of the organizers of the rally, the chairman of the China Democracy Education Foundation, Fang Zheng, stated that 75 years are “a bloody history.”

In Los Angeles, on Sunday, September 29th, more than 200 people from various ethnicities and democratic human rights groups held a protest rally in the downtown area and in front of the CCP Consulate under the theme of “No National Day, only national mourning, mourning for the CCP’s tyranny.”

One of the event’s organizers, Vice Chairman Jie Jian of the Los Angeles Branch of the National Headquarters of the China Democratic Party, told Voice of America, “As long as the CCP is not destroyed, there are threats everywhere, and harm everywhere. Our common goal is to overthrow the Chinese government, give a funeral to the CCP, and bring Xi Jinping to justice!”

At the Freedom Sculpture Park in Southern California, hundreds of Chinese people attended the inauguration ceremony of the “Liberty Bell” on September 29th, in sweltering heat, pledging to ring the death knell of the CCP regime together.

In New York, on the morning of September 30th, the China Democracy and Human Rights Alliance and dozens of people shouted “Down with the CCP” in front of the New York Consulate, calling for an end to CCP dictatorship and the return of freedom to the Chinese people. They held both Chinese and English banners saying “Arrest CCP Spies in the US” and “CCP Get Out of America.”

Meanwhile, during “National Day,” another scene unfolded at the high levels of the CCP. On the night of September 29th, the CCP’s “National Day” concert was held in Beijing. Retired members of the Political Bureau in previous sessions attended, with eight living elders absent, including Hu Jintao, Li Ruihuan, and Wen Jiabao. However, at the reception on the night of September 30th, Li Ruihuan, Wen Jiabao, among others, were present, while Hu Jintao and others were absent.

A list of attendees of the “National Day” concert reported by Xinhua News Agency on September 29th, showed the participation of current CCP senior officials including Xi Jinping and Han Zheng, as well as retired members of the Political Bureau attending the event, such as Jia Qinglin, Zhang Dejiang, Wang Yang, Zeng Qinghong, Wang Qishan, and others.

Among the living retired members of the Political Bureau from the 16th to the 19th sessions, Hu Jintao, Li Ruihuan, Wen Jiabao, Song Ping, Wu Bangguo, Li Lanqing, Wu Guanzheng, and Luo Gan were absent.

From CCTV footage, it was noticeable that most of the retired elders sitting in the back row did not smile, especially Wang Yang and Wang Qishan, who appeared solemnly throughout. However, at the reception on the night of September 30th, Li Ruihuan, Wen Jiabao, Li Lanqing, and Wu Guanzheng were all in attendance. In the evening news broadcast, 82-year-old Wen Jiabao entered the venue unaided, while 90-year-old Li Ruihuan was assisted by others, and both sat on either side of Xi Jinping.

Former members of the Political Bureau who were absent from both events include Hu Jintao, Zhu Rongji, Wu Bangguo, Song Ping, and Luo Gan.

The seating arrangement at the event with Xi Jinping flanked by Wen Jiabao and Li Ruihuan on both sides is extremely rare in the past six years and different from the seating arrangement in 2019. What is the story behind this?

Commentator Zhou Xiaohui mentioned that Xi Jinping’s speech was also unusual, such as mentioning the establishment of the so-called “outstanding senior leaders” for the CCP’s governance and development at the beginning, which contradicts the past attempt to downplay former CCP leaders and emphasize the concept of “one core”; mentioning the determination to “resolutely safeguard the authority of the Central Committee of the CCP and its centralized and unified leadership,” a departure from the past six years; raising the issue of Hong Kong and Macau autonomy and not mentioning initiatives like the “Belt and Road.”

He believes that the aforementioned unusual aspects of the speech from the CCP’s top leader, along with various abnormalities in the party, government, and military seen in the past two months, indicate that something unknown has happened within the CCP.

Former CCP leader Hu Jintao has made few public appearances since being forcibly removed from the venue by Xi Jinping’s men during the 18th Party Congress two years ago. There have been speculations that Hu Jintao’s health is failing, and his son, Hu Haifeng, took up the position of Deputy Minister of Civil Affairs in January this year, suggesting a compromise between Xi and Hu Jintao to facilitate taking care of his father in Beijing due to his poor health.

In recent years, Wen Jiabao has made frequent public appearances. Since Xi Jinping took a different path in recent years, concerns have arisen about a “new Cultural Revolution.” In 2012, during his final press conference as Premier, Wen Jiabao mentioned that without successful political reform, economic reform cannot be fully implemented, and the tragic events of the Cultural Revolution may recur.

Professor Yuan Hongbing, a legal expert living in Australia, recently revealed that a saying attributed to Wen Jiabao rumored within Beijing official circles goes: “If someone wants to revive the extreme leftist ideas of the Cultural Revolution period, conduct mass criticism, or follow the path of Jiang Qing and the ‘Gang of Four,’ then they must first decapitate me; I am unwilling to see the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers flow backward.”

This statement, whether authentic or not, is filled with determination and ambition. However, in the officialdom of the CCP, once power is lost, perhaps one is nothing at all. One’s life may not even be guaranteed. Look at the fate of former Premier Li Keqiang, and the even earlier Premier Wen Jiabao’s refusal to see the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers flow backward is just a beautiful wish. Or perhaps this is the sincere hope of some people. However, when the heavens wish to destroy a person, they first make him mad. Where will the CCP’s death train take China? Can people’s wishes for a better future still exert influence? What people can do is to quickly jump off this death train and not be its funeral accomplices.

Thank you for watching “News Insight”. I am Li Xin, and we’ll see you tomorrow.

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