Academy of Social Sciences Earthquake Sparks Political Turmoil in CCP

Hello everyone, welcome to the News Five, with today’s co-hosts Jinshi, Qin Peng, Qin Yue, Yuting, and myself. Our diverse perspectives will take you into the rich world of news. Feel free to subscribe and like our independent channel.

Today’s focus: “Brainwashing operators” on WeChat resist Xi Jinping, internal turmoil erupts in the CCP; even party members are not watching “Lifetime Devotion to the Party,” red films suffer losses; “Patriotic” App ends in failure again! “Pager explosion” scares off young pink enthusiasts?

Bean buns are so delicious. There is a bean bun from mainland China that is quite amusing. It is an AI intelligent assistant under the umbrella of TikTok.

If you ask it whether “North Korea, Cuba, Syria, Iran” are democratic countries, it will tell you that these four countries are all democratic because power in these countries belongs to workers, farmers, soldiers, intellectuals, and other laboring people.

In contrast, if you ask about the United States, the UK, France, Germany, whether they are democratic countries, the answer will be the opposite, stating that these countries have serious democratic issues, minority ethnic groups lack protection of democratic rights, political polarization leads to societal division, and democratic decision-making is difficult to achieve.

Netizens say this AI is truly sophisticated and has even learned the art of sophistry.

Indeed, from top to bottom, inside and out, from the brain to computers, from real people to artificial intelligence, it’s all red ideological thinking in mainland China.

However, unexpectedly, a significant anomaly emerged from the “Social Sciences Academy,” the intellectual stronghold of the CCP.

Deputy Director Zhu Hengpeng’s alleged “reckless discussion of the central government” triggered a “political earthquake,” leading to the purge of the top leadership of this brainwashing institution. Subsequently, the director demanded: the newly appointed “department members” must be loyal to the Party.

However, this upheaval in the brainwashing upper echelons is likely due to instability at the lower levels, showing signs of a seismic shift.

The blood-soaked red film “Lifetime Devotion to the Party” has been screening for over fifty days and is still incurring losses.

Audiences say they are experiencing “aesthetic fatigue,” but we have noticed that the reason goes beyond that; it is likely that the Chinese people are suffering from “brainwashing fatigue.” This phenomenon is worthy of discussion.

Q1, Qin Yue, how is the movie “Lifetime Devotion to the Party”? Why isn’t it resonating with viewers?

With a box office of 2.75 million RMB, it is quite dismal. Was there no national mandate to compel everyone to watch it this time? Honestly speaking, the title of this red film doesn’t attract viewers like before; who would want to watch a movie titled like a curse – forcing you to surrender your lifetime to the Party. Where will the Party lead you by doing that? Who would willingly walk into the abyss? Some netizens remarked, “I’ve had enough of party indoctrination,” “I spend money for entertainment, not for lectures.”

Q2, Jinshi, indeed, many people are now starting to realize the concept of “brainwashing,” and even the CCP’s “brainwashing institutions” are encountering issues?

Translation continued in next message.