New Tang Dynasty Vocal Competition Preliminary Contestants’ Insights: Words Match Deeds

On the afternoon of September 19, 2024, the ninth “World Chinese Classical Voice Singing Competition” was held at the Kaufman Music Center in Manhattan, New York, where talented Chinese vocalists from around the world gathered to compete in the preliminary rounds. The competition aims to promote the pure, virtuous, and beautiful traditional vocal art, providing a platform for talented Chinese vocalists to shine on the world stage. Over the years, the competition has attracted numerous outstanding vocalists and enthusiasts from around the world to participate actively.

In the famous qin song “Feng Qiu Huang” written by Sima Xiangru, a renowned poet and literary figure from the Western Han Dynasty in China, the lines “A phoenix soaring across the sky, seeking its mate in all four corners of the world, alas, the ideal woman is not behind the eastern wall” resonate with many.

One of the contestants in this year’s competition is Liu Erdong, an architect and vocal enthusiast who has a deep love for ancient melodies. For his chosen piece in the preliminary round, he selected the classical song “Feng Qiu Huang,” which was composed by Sima Xiangru. Liu Erdong expressed his admiration for the cultural richness of the song, stating that traditional music is worth preserving, organizing, and presenting. This is one of the reasons why he decided to challenge himself with this intricate piece.

Liu Erdong viewed this competition as a rare opportunity to showcase such a piece. Initially feeling daunted by the difficulty of the song, he pushed himself to excel in its performance, believing that the challenge would be worth it in the end.

Following the preliminary round, Liu Erdong shared his reflections on the experience. He found it challenging to memorize the lyrics of the song promptly due to the rushed decision-making process. The phrase that he struggled with the most was “May my words match my deeds, let us walk hand in hand,” symbolizing the pursuit of a profound connection with a loved one.

As a self-taught student of ancient Chinese architecture for the past five years, Liu Erdong drew parallels between architecture and music. He believed that architecture, like music, evokes various emotional responses through its form, structure, and spatial design. Dubbing architecture as “frozen music,” he stated that the rhythm, size, and layout of a building convey specific emotions and messages, much like a musical composition.

Comparing modern architecture to classical architecture, Liu Erdong expressed a preference for the latter due to its timeless elements that offer insights into the lifestyles, characteristics, and values of ancient societies, similar to classical music’s ability to transcend time and convey cultural heritage.

At nearly 50 years old, Liu Erdong revealed that he was encouraged by his daughter to participate in the competition. He aimed to set an example for young people by showcasing the importance of pursuing dreams fearlessly regardless of age.

In conclusion, he expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to witness performances from participants worldwide, emphasizing that the competition served as a valuable learning experience. Liu Erdong humbly stated that he prioritized the opportunity to engage with fellow competitors rather than focusing solely on his own ranking in the contest.