
Major Outbreak: The World is Rising Against Xi and the Communist Party! Police, Armed Police, and Various Professions Across the Nation are Coming Together

During the Chinese Communist Party’s Third Plenary Session, rumors about Xi Jinping’s potential downfall were rampant. Following these speculations, several manifestos condemning Xi and the CCP emerged online, sparking widespread discussion.

One of the most circulated pieces was titled “Manifesto to Denounce Xi Jinping,” authored by the overseas X platform account “Quantum Leap.” The article outlined ten major accusations against Xi since he took office:

  1. Reversing historical progress by reviving Maoist extremism, pushing China back toward the path of the Cultural Revolution.
  2. Promoting the expansion of state-owned enterprises while suppressing the private sector and private businesses.
  3. Tightening control over free speech and imprisoning democracy activists.
  4. Implementing genocide in Xinjiang and Tibet.
  5. Forcing through the National Security Law, turning Hong Kong into a financial wasteland.
  6. Continuing and intensifying the persecution of Falun Gong, even developing a market for organ harvesting, a crime unprecedented in human history.
  7. Spending exorbitant amounts abroad, using over $2 trillion through the Belt and Road Initiative to buy international “prestige.”
  8. Spreading the Wuhan virus, leading to billions of infections globally and millions of deaths.
  9. The “Zero-COVID” policy, which destroyed economic vitality and inflicted immense suffering on the people.
  10. Creating tensions in the Taiwan Strait and aligning with Putin, threatening global peace.

The article called for collective action to overthrow Xi, rallying the people with the call: “Sweep the courtyards clean, fight with all your might, and punish the wrongdoers!” Netizens widely supported this. A user named “China Communist Party Authority” praised it: “Magnificent momentum, deeply moving! A powerful manifesto.” Helen777 remarked: “The article is well-written, but merely removing Xi won’t solve the problem without dismantling the entire CCP system. We need to overthrow the entire evil CCP crime syndicate and expose all the crimes of these national traitors to let the Chinese people see the true face of those in Zhongnanhai.” Another user, Mike, commented on X, “I actually like him. His anti-corruption efforts show that no one is safe in this system, no matter where they sit. He makes people realize there’s no bottom to the lies or morality under this regime. He’ll soon show that without capitalism, many will starve.” David added: “Don’t let him retire; he’s doing a great job reversing progress, with amazing skills. Keep going, give him more fuel!”

At the same time, another manifesto titled “Manifesto Against the CCP” by the “Chinese Union Party” circulated online. This manifesto recounted the CCP’s century-long atrocities, including the Land Revolution, Anti-Rightist Campaign, Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution, and Tiananmen Square Massacre. The article stressed that overthrowing the evil CCP is urgent to prevent future generations from suffering spiritual poisoning.

Additionally, an open letter addressed to the “People of China” also surfaced, criticizing Xi’s 2018 constitutional amendments that paved the way for dictatorship. It accused him of regressing the economy back to pre-Reform and Opening days, where people lived in fear. The letter urged police, soldiers, and armed police not to be Xi’s henchmen but to protect the people instead. This letter resonated with many online, with one netizen calling it “the voice of the common people.”

The spread of these manifestos reflects a growing sense of dissatisfaction with both Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party on the internet.