Is the national treasury empty? Delayed retirement hides a bigger crisis.

Hello everyone, welcome to News Five, today’s co-hosts are Jinshi, Fuyao, Qin Peng, Lin Lan, and myself, Yuting. With our diverse perspectives and clash of opinions, we will lead you into the rich world of news. Don’t forget to subscribe and like our independent channel.

Today’s focus: Is the mainland wealthy? Don’t be foolish! The financial situation of the CCP is beyond imagination; The “Delayed Retirement” comment section explodes; Such a disparity, state-owned enterprise pensions are 43 times higher; Double-track pension system is so deformed! Aging population dilemma: this resource will be scarce; A major crisis ahead! Elderly care in China becoming even more difficult.

A recent piece of news has stirred up Chinese netizens. The controversial “Delayed Retirement” policy of the CCP finally came into effect on September 13, extending the statutory retirement age for men from 60 to 63, women workers from 50 to 55, and female cadres from 55 to 58 over a period of 15 years. Not only that, the contribution period for pension funds has been extended from 15 years to 20 years.

When the CCP’s new policy was introduced, it sparked intense public backlash. Some people commented that they missed out on the “dividend of the times” and sarcastically remarked that in forty years, all Monday meetings will be attended by elderly people. Some netizens questioned whether people can live to retirement age given these delays, whether companies can survive long enough for their employees to retire, and if pension funds will still be available after retirement. Others suggested that certain TV dramas might face censorship.

Some netizens pointed out bluntly that the CCP’s Delayed Retirement policy is simply a way to delay pension payouts, regardless of whether one is employed or not, pleading with the CCP experts to have mercy.

Q: With public discontent rising, including emergency closures of comment sections by CCP mouthpiece media such as Xinhua News Agency, CCTV, and People’s Daily, Fuyao, why is there such a strong backlash from the Chinese people?

Q: Lin Lan, the reasons given by the CCP for “Delayed Retirement” are shocking. In today’s high youth unemployment rates, does the CCP really believe that increasing the retirement age will boost the workforce? How can China lack labor from the elderly? Lin Lan, how dare the CCP make such claims?

Q: Jinshi, the CCP has been calling for “Delayed Retirement” for at least ten years. Why was it put on hold before, and why is the CCP pushing it so forcefully now, despite the strong public opposition in China?

Q: Qin Peng, can the CCP achieve its expectations with this policy?

Q: Russia and France have attempted to delay retirement before, but faced strong protests from the public, leading to eventual retreat. With the CCP pushing aggressively, could this become the spark for massive protests in China? There are already people in Shanghai holding up signs calling for China’s “Martin Luther King.”

Lin Lan, Jinshi, Yuting, Qin Peng, what are your thoughts?

Renowned public intellectual and Tsinghua University professor “Qin Hui” also criticized the CCP’s policy, stating that with unlimited power comes unlimited responsibility?

What do you think, do you agree? Lin Lan, Qin Peng?

The anger of the Chinese people today is actually the result of multiple factors. In a China where policies are constantly changing and reversing course, economic imbalances, social disorder, and governmental incompetence have shattered people’s hopes time and time again. Faced with various real challenges, more and more young people are forced to “lie flat,” seemingly regressing to the survival mode of the Mao era, just trying to get by day by day. Will this policy reform by the CCP exacerbate social tensions? Only time will tell.

Thank you for watching this episode of News Five, until next time.

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