Analysis: US House Passes Taiwan Invasion Deterrence Act, Obstructing Communist China’s Aggression.

Following the passage of the “Taiwan Conflict Deterrence Act” by the United States House of Representatives, Taiwan legislators emphasized that the purpose of this legislation is to prevent Chinese Communist Party (CCP) aggression against Taiwan. President Tsai Ing-wen pointed out that in the event of a conflict in the Taiwan Strait, this law will deter CCP aggression against Taiwan. Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Wu also emphasized that this act is an effective method to deter CCP aggression against Taiwan.

The U.S. House of Representatives voted on September 9 to pass multiple anti-CCP bills, including the “Taiwan Conflict Deterrence Act” and the “Pacific Partnership Act,” which also calls for close cooperation with Taiwan and Pacific island nations. Both bills received unanimous approval.

Taiwan legislator Chen Guanting stated that the passage of the “Taiwan Conflict Deterrence Act” by the U.S. House of Representatives helps to restrain the threats to Taiwan’s security posed by high-ranking CCP officials. The legislation aims to publicly disclose and freeze the global assets of top Chinese Communist leaders and cut off their and their families’ access to the U.S. financial system, thereby deterring CCP aggression against Taiwan.

Chen Guanting commented, “The U.S. chooses to freeze the assets of CCP officials to counter CCP’s actions that harm Taiwan Strait stability, and we naturally affirm this. Many top CCP officials have chosen to ‘run away’ from China in recent years because the CCP system and regime are no longer suitable for their development there.”

He emphasized that for CCP officials, being anti-U.S. is their job, while owning property in the U.S. is their lifestyle. By going to the U.S., having their children in America, or possessing large assets in the U.S. and Canada, they engage in hypocritical behavior, trying to please both sides, which would definitely be condemned by the Chinese people.

Regarding the effectiveness of the “Taiwan Conflict Deterrence Act,” Chen Guanting stated that such measures should effectively counter the undesirable actions of these CCP officials. He believes that this legislative move by the U.S. will effectively curb the decisions of high-level CCP officials that endanger Taiwan Strait stability.

He analyzed that CCP officials, who are anti-American on one hand and crave the U.S. economy and system on the other, know that the CCP’s problems could erupt at any time, leading to their assets disappearing. Previously, CCP mainly destabilized the region with wolf warrior tactics, so this act compels CCP officials to make more rational decisions, as the U.S. government holds their assets in America tightly, leaving them in a vulnerable position. Therefore, we welcome this act enthusiastically.

President of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Chairman, Tsai Ing-wen, attended the DPP Central Standing Committee meeting today. In the meeting, he mentioned that the U.S. House of Representatives passed the “Taiwan Conflict Deterrence Act.” In the event of a conflict in the Taiwan Strait, this law authorizes the disclosure of illegal assets of top CCP leaders globally and cuts off their channels to use the U.S. financial system, aiming to deter CCP aggression against Taiwan.

Tsai Ing-wen pointed out that democracies acting together with specific actions hold up the “democratic protection umbrella,” and Taiwan will continue to strive to contribute to global democracy, peace, and prosperity, maintain peace in the Taiwan Strait, and work towards peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region.

On September 9, Foreign Minister of the Republic of China (Taiwan), Joseph Wu, stated at the “Police Cooperation Forum” that he is very grateful for the bipartisan passage of the “Taiwan Conflict Deterrence Act” by the U.S. House of Representatives. Employing economic means to deter CCP’s military aggression against Taiwan is a highly creative and effective method. He expressed thanks to the U.S. Congress for continually enacting legislation to ensure Taiwan’s security and peace in the Taiwan Strait, which clearly deter CCP expansion and safeguard peace in the Indo-Pacific region, especially stability and security in the Taiwan Strait.

During a routine press conference on September 9, Director-General of the Department of North American Affairs, Wang Liangyu, responded to questions from reporters, saying that the passage of the “Taiwan Conflict Deterrence Act” by the U.S. House of Representatives aims to deter CCP’s ambitions to invade Taiwan by cutting off the rights of top CCP officials and their families to use the U.S. financial system and freezing assets. This indicates that peace and stability in Taiwan have become an international consensus.

Wang Liangyu mentioned that this act helps to thwart CCP’s intentions to invade Taiwan from an economic standpoint. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs thanks the U.S. Congress for continuously using legislative measures to maintain peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region and will closely monitor the progress of this act. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will further deepen Taiwan-U.S. friendly relations in a practical and steady manner and maintain close communication with the U.S. Congress and executive branch to ensure freedom, openness, and peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region.