Adams responds to calls for Police Chief Caban to step down: Nothing can be guaranteed.

New York City Police Commissioner was under investigation by the FBI last week which has led to increasing calls for his resignation. However, Mayor Adams has not changed his attitude towards his subordinate, although he left room for speculation. In a press conference on an unrelated matter on September 9, he addressed the issue by stating, “There is nothing certain in life.”

Furthermore, Mayor Adams tested positive for COVID-19 on Monday, September 9, but this hasn’t affected his official duties.

During a press conference in the morning to announce flood prevention measures in New York City, when asked about the investigation of Police Commissioner Caban and his potential resignation, Mayor Adams acknowledged that he had heard many rumors, but stated, “My words have not fueled these rumors in any way.”

When asked if Caban would resign within two months, Mayor Adams replied, “I believe there is nothing certain in life. What I want to say is that when I chose Eddie (a nickname for Edward Caban), it was because of his experience and what he brings after over thirty years of service.” He added, “Rumors always exist, you can never keep up with all the rumors you hear.”

Last Wednesday, while searching the residences of two deputy mayors, the FBI also visited Police Commissioner Caban’s home and seized his phone. Although the details of the investigation have not been disclosed, it is alleged to involve “corruption” and “abuse of power for personal gain,” as his brother reportedly used his connections to provide paid security services for nightclubs.

While Caban has not been charged with any crimes, following the news of the investigation, several legislators have called for Caban’s resignation. The New York Post quoted a New York political figure as saying that the issue of Caban is “not a matter of whether to resign, but when to resign.”

During a meeting with religious leaders the day before on Sunday, Mayor Adams hinted that this is his “trial period.”

“I have had many ‘Job moments’ in my life,” said Adams, referring to the biblical figure Job who faced numerous trials. He drew parallels with his own childhood difficulties, such as reading disabilities, stating that the story of Job is his favorite in the Bible. “The ‘Job moments’ make your faith stronger.”

Adams asked his friends in the church to pray for him, saying, “Pray, pray for all of them,” and added, “Pray for me.”