Elder Statesman of Democracy Zhu Yufu Discusses the Future of China

Sept 7, 2024, Epoch Times – Senior member of the China Democratic Party, Zhu Yufu, has been in the United States for over a month since arriving from Japan. Apart from reading and practicing calligraphy daily, he often takes walks outdoors with family members, no longer having to worry about being obstructed or followed closely by others. “Compared to life in China, it’s like night and day,” he expressed with sigh.

During an interview with Epoch Times at his residence in Southern California on Thursday (5th), Zhu Yufu was very talkative and clear-minded, full of spirit throughout the nearly two-hour interview.

Like many Chinese who come to America for the first time, Zhu Yufu is very sensitive to the presence of police. After being in the U.S. for many days without seeing a single police officer, he found it very strange. During a recent visit to New York, he was delighted to see a police officer in front of Trump Tower and took a photo to send to friends saying, “I saw an American police officer, this is what American police look like!”

Reflecting on his time in China, Zhu Yufu was under tight surveillance by the authorities, with someone stationed downstairs 24/7, and five surveillance cameras installed at the front door. He could only move around within the residential area; once he stepped out, plainclothes officers would follow him. If guests visited, they would first be blocked by plainclothes officers; if more daring guests couldn’t be stopped, they would be subject to facial recognition and later find police waiting for them…

However, Zhu Yufu said that even in the U.S., while his body may be free, his mind still cannot relax – he empathizes with the widespread suffering of the Chinese people.

“The whole of China is in darkness, the people are enslaved, unable to enjoy the basic rights of normal citizens in a country,” Zhu Yufu lamented. “I am puzzled that the entire world tolerates such a deep disaster for the Chinese people.”

“As we enter the 21st century, how many countries are still under enslavement? Even abnormal countries like Russia have media freedom, to the extent that saying a few words online won’t lead to police knocking on your door, using the pretext of ‘provoking trouble’ to sentence anyone.” Zhu Yufu said, emphasizing this as the heavy reality every Chinese person must face.

He critiqued the laws of the Chinese Communist Party, stating, “The entire legal system in China is the Party’s ‘private law,’ one party’s law, one clique’s law, one person’s law, not public law. I am amazed that such private law is recognized by the international community.”

In 1998, Zhu Yufu and like-minded friends applied to establish the China Democratic Party according to the procedures stipulated by the Chinese Communist Party’s laws. As a result, within a few years, they were successively arrested; he was dismissed from public office, jailed three times as a political prisoner for a total of 16 years, enduring various forms of inhumane torture during his incarceration. The combined sentences of all Democratic Party members exceed 1000 years.

Up to now, no one dares openly establish a party within the country. “No matter how peaceful, how ‘rational’ you are, the Communist Party simply does not allow your existence,” he said.

Zhu Yufu remembered the first time he was sentenced by a Chinese Communist court, he remained silent, refusing to answer any questions from the judge and prosecutor. “I stared at the judge with my eyes, he didn’t dare to look up, afraid to meet my gaze. They are doing dirty work and can get promoted later,” he said, noting that the judges and prosecutors handling his case were all later promoted.

Zhu Yufu believes that the Chinese Communist Party’s entry into the World Trade Organization in 2001 was due to a lack of understanding of this regime by the international community. At that time, many in the international community believed that the Communist Party had changed, but Zhu Yufu and others were sentenced to heavy penalties for forming the China Democratic Party, shattering the facade of “reform and opening up.”

“It (the CCP) is a mafia, a magnified mafia,” Zhu Yufu remarked. In the 1950s and 60s, the Chinese Communist Party sacrificed tens of millions of lives to build an atomic bomb; to maintain its regime, it instigated movements, pitting the masses against each other. The damage inflicted on Chinese society during the ten years of the Cultural Revolution far exceeds that of the eight years of the war against Japan.

Having experienced the political movements of the Chinese Communist Party firsthand, Zhu Yufu’s father once worked as a secretary at the Nanjing Presidential Palace of the Republic of China. After the Communist Party seized power, he enrolled in the Public Security School (the principal, Wang Fang, later became the Minister of Public Security). Out of conscience, his father refused to persecute others during political movements, so he resigned and went to the countryside to farm, but still fell victim to the injustices of the Cultural Revolution, ultimately committing suicide in the 1970s.

In Zhu Yufu’s view, the international community’s tolerance and continuous economic support have enabled the Chinese Communist Party to oppress democracy internally and corrode internationally to sustain its survival. “The international community needs to wake up, reevaluate the CCP, stop enabling it; the collapse of the CCP is crucial,” he stated. He believes that fundamental change in China will occur during a massive economic collapse, underscoring the importance of economic sanctions against the CCP.

In addressing the issue of the Chinese Communist Party, Zhu Yufu hopes for a more responsible international community; otherwise, humanity will face even greater disasters. He also hopes that Taiwan and the United States, especially, will take more decisive measures against the proxies of the CCP that have been established in various countries over the past few decades.

“For anyone waving the flag of the Chinese Communist Party on the streets, I will have activists take photos and send those people back to their beloved country. And those who receive Communist Party pensions, also receive U.S. subsidies, and help the CCP, should be promptly sent back without hesitation,” Zhu Yufu emphasized. “Equality must be upheld; if you wave the flag domestically in China, you will definitely be imprisoned.”

On the internet and social media, one can often come across supporters of the CCP, known colloquially as “pink.” Their extreme views may lead one to believe that they form the basis of the CCP’s rule. Zhu Yufu, however, views them as “false reds.”

“These ‘pink’ individuals do not have ideals like us, willing to sacrifice everything in reality, endure any hardships, not pursue a superior life,” he explained. “In China, no one holds hope for the CCP; all (pro-Party remarks) stem from self-interest.”

According to Zhu Yufu, the CCP has lost its foundation for rule: “It has collapsed, no one can defend it. Just like the former Soviet Union, no Communist Party members emerged to defend it with their lives, it’s all deception.” “When promoting, it talks about confidence, it’s because it lacks confidence now. Why the confidence? It is so terribly fearful, more than anyone else.”

Zhu Yufu pointed out that the CCP uses people’s fear of death to maintain its rule, “but when faced with death, a person will act.” He remarked that the rampant phenomenon of reckless driving and retaliatory killings in China signifies that many people no longer wish to live, sending a clear signal.

Looking ahead to the future of China, Zhu Yufu believes that society will not descend into chaos after the fall of the CCP. “The common people can lead normal lives, live with dignity, be treated as humans.”

“The CCP spends more on stability maintenance for the people than on the military, essentially maintaining two armies; it also gives money to Africa every year; when the CCP collapses, there will be no need to send money to Africa anymore, no need to support so many thugs for stability, and corruption will vanish. The quality of life for the common people will undergo a tremendous transformation,” he concluded.