Xi’an University Student Protests in Class Against Forced Learning of Marxist Theory

Recently, a video circulating online has captured a student in a “Principles of Marxism” class at Xi’an Northwest University in Shaanxi province loudly protesting that he is not a member of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and does not like learning these “stupid theories.” This incident has sparked attention.

The video shows students in the Marxism class at Xi’an Northwest University either on their phones or chatting, with many expressing disinterest in the lecture content. Suddenly, a male student shouted, “I am not a CCP member, I don’t believe in communism, I don’t like the CCP either, I am annoyed by learning these stupid theories!”

Following this, a heated argument broke out between the student and a young CCP supporter, only to be stopped by another student.

According to the magazine “Cold Winter,” the so-called “Principles of Marxism” is a compulsory course for students in various universities across China, serving as a brainwashing tool imposed by the CCP through political means to solidify its authoritarian rule. Therefore, students are compelled to study it.

Many students find these “brainwashing” courses dull and meaningless, viewing them as a waste of time. However, failing exams in these courses would prevent them from obtaining their graduation certificates. Consequently, many students have to cope with these obligations.

A student from Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Technology expressed, “As a medical student, I believe I should focus more on medical knowledge rather than political courses. The school’s curriculum arrangements truly leave me speechless.”

Another student from Jiangxi Agricultural University said, “This course is designed to promote the ‘greatness of Marxist ideology,’ instill the ‘correctness of CCP ideology’ in us, and keep us in step with the CCP. Each class session of an hour and a half is a torment for me. The teacher requires mandatory attendance for every class, with a deduction of 2 points in the final grades for absences, which is not so strictly enforced in other courses.”

The video has stirred up discussions online, with many netizens expressing empathy, with some saying, “During my university days, the classroom was filled with people playing with their phones. It was rare to see anyone paying attention.” “Initially, I found it annoying, but later on, it became nauseating!” “When I was in university, I criticized Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping on the podium in front of 200 people.”

Some netizens commented, “Anyone who believes in communism must have something wrong in their head.” “Everyone knows deep down, they just don’t want to stick their necks out.” “Marxist theory is inherently rubbish, people with discernment and critical thinking skills know this – learning it is just deceiving oneself to deceive others.” “This is a good thing, at least the post-2000s generation dares to speak out.”

There are concerns for this university student who spoke out, with one netizen saying, “This child is a warrior, probably already expelled.” Another netizen expressed, “I hope this student contacts me to arrange for studying abroad, with full sponsorship and a plane ticket to Japan.”