Reported Materials Now “64” Young Liaoning Protester Sent to Mental Hospital

Liaoning youth Li Xin went to Beijing to petition two months ago. He was detained in a psychiatric hospital after authorities intercepted his report with the phrase “June 4th”. Recently, he revealed to Epoch Times that he is being forced to take medication and undergo blood tests for Olanzapine at the Liaoyang Fourth People’s Hospital (Liaoyang Psychiatric Hospital) every day.

Li Xin, who has been “diagnosed with mental illness” multiple times, told Epoch Times, “In May, when I went to Beijing to petition and wrote ‘June 4th’ on the materials submitted to the National Petition Bureau, they captured and sent me to the psychiatric hospital. They force me to take medication every day, even if I’m not sick, because it was the police station that brought me here. The blood test for Olanzapine can prove whether I took the medication, otherwise, they cannot explain it to the police station. If I refuse to take the medication, I will be tied up and beaten.”

Additionally, he has been persecuted by the authorities for frequently sharing details and photos of the injustices suffered by minors persecuted by the Liaoyang Public Security Bureau and Tangma Police Station online.

“I was captured with the approval of the Liaoyang County Public Security Bureau and Political and Legal Committee. When I asked for procedures, they didn’t provide any documents, just mentioned there was supervision from Beijing, but they couldn’t produce the required paperwork. This time they have arrested many people.”

“Because I have long been filing complaints, I was locked up in a psychiatric hospital, and I have been oppressed for supporting Epoch Times. This time, they set conditions for me, saying that if I do not stop going to Beijing and supporting you (Epoch Times), they will not let me go home and will continue to keep me in the psychiatric hospital. I did not agree.”

Epoch Times reporters made several calls to Liaoyang Fourth People’s Hospital but received no answer.

Epoch Times reporters also called the Liaoyang County Public Security Bureau, but the policewoman receiving the call was unsure about the case and could not identify the officers handling it.

Li Xin, a resident of Liaoyang County, encountered difficulties in 2014 when the age on his household registration was incorrect and he requested the police station to make corrections. He faced obstruction from the Tangmazhai Police Station in his hometown and was subjected to intimidation and violence from the police instructor Wang Changfeng, who refused to amend his registration details.

Li Xin’s troubles escalated when he petitioned about unfair selection practices for social assistance in the village. He was threatened by Wang Changfeng and the secretary of the Village Party Branch, An Xuejun, who forbade him from petitioning. Subsequently, he was taken into custody by the police and admitted to a psychiatric hospital.

In early August 2015, Li Xin was released from the psychiatric hospital, but he was sent back to Liaoyang City Peace Hospital (Liaoyang City Mental Health Recovery Center) a few days later after posting on Weibo to report that the police station had falsified records in his case.

Under such dire circumstances, feeling life was unbearable, Li Xin swallowed nails and self-harmed. Due to strong requests from his family, he was taken to the Mu Jia Zhen Health Center in Liaoyang County. He was later transferred to Liaoyang County Central Hospital and eventually moved to Liaoyang Fourth People’s Hospital (Liaoyang Psychiatric Hospital) for compulsory treatment.

After the forced medical treatment was lifted, Li Xin continued to appeal the court’s decision to confine him to the psychiatric hospital, but his appeals were all dismissed.

Previously, Li Xin printed brochures detailing his ordeal and distributed them in Shoushan Town in the county. Subsequently, the Liaoyang Intermediate Court, County People’s Congress, and Disciplinary Inspection Commission reviewed his case and acknowledged it as a miscarriage of justice due to a mistake by the court. However, the Disciplinary Inspection Commission mentioned that such cases are numerous and pose significant challenges.

Despite this, Li Xin continues to face surveillance and persecution from the authorities for speaking out. He expressed that as he cannot voice his concerns domestically, he has resorted to seeking help from overseas media outlets.