“Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of ‘Four-Two-Five’: British Politicians Send Letters of Support”

On April 20, 2024, Falun Gong practitioners in the UK held marches and gatherings in London to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the peaceful appeal by 10,000 Falun Gong practitioners on April 25, 1999. Several British dignitaries sent letters expressing support for Falun Gong practitioners. These included the office of UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, the office of Scottish First Minister Rt Hon Humza Yousaf MSP, and various members of the UK House of Commons and House of Lords.

Translation of the letters from various officials:

The letter from Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s office stated: “On behalf of the Prime Minister, I appreciate your letter dated March 30th inviting him to attend the gathering organized by the UK Falun Dafa Association on April 20th.

“The Prime Minister appreciates the invitation extended to him. The government is deeply concerned about the persecution faced by Falun Gong practitioners and others in China due to their religious or belief backgrounds, with reliable evidence showing severe abuse suffered by Falun Gong practitioners.

“Everyone should have the right to freedom of religion or belief, to practice, change, or share their beliefs without discrimination or violence; this is a human right that everyone should possess. The government believes that societies dedicated to safeguarding religious or belief freedom are more stable, prosperous, and better equipped to resist violent extremism.”

The office of Scottish First Minister Rt Hon Humza Yousaf MSP also expressed support in their letter, stating: “The Scottish government is deeply concerned about the persecution of Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Falun Gong practitioners, and other social groups by the Chinese Communist Party under the guise of religion or belief. We believe that everyone has the right to freely practice their beliefs and we must strive to promote the idea globally that the existence of other faiths does not threaten religion, nation, or culture.

“The banning of certain religious groups and the laws, restrictions, and harassment targeting other groups violate religious freedom. We will carefully consider all evidence provided to us regarding abuses and organ harvesting. If substantiated, the systematic, state-supported practice of forced organ harvesting would constitute a serious human rights violation.”

Member of Parliament Patrick Grady MP stated in his letter: “Today, I stand proudly with everyone in commemorating the events of twenty-five years ago. At that time, around ten thousand Falun Gong practitioners made a peaceful appeal to the Chinese government, asking them to stop oppressing them, and to stop arbitrary arrests.

“Everyone has the right to enjoy peace and security, and religious freedom is a fundamental human right. Yet in many parts of the world, these rights are still being denied or violated.

“In China, ethnic minorities and religious believers, such as Falun Gong practitioners and Uighurs, are often arbitrarily detained, subjected to forced labor, disappeared, and treated inhumanely.

“Politicians around the world must stand up to condemn these atrocities, show their support, and urge our government to clearly tell the Chinese Communist Party that such practices are unacceptable.”

Member of Parliament Ian Murray MP said in his letter: “For years, I have been informed by activists about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners by the Chinese Communist Party. It is clear that the international community should unite and speak out decisively against persecution of any group in China or elsewhere. We should also urge the international community to investigate the allegations of forced organ harvesting by the Chinese Communist regime. Though we live in an uncertain world, one thing is certain – we must stand united against all forms of persecution, racism, and inequality. Thank you for continuing to fight for justice.”

Member of Parliament Alan Whitehead MP expressed in his letter: “I am deeply concerned about the actions of the Chinese Communist regime in persecuting people based on their religion or belief, whether it is Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang, Christians, Buddhists, or Falun Gong practitioners. Everyone should have the freedom to choose, change, or share their beliefs without discrimination or violence; this is a human right.

“I am aware that for years, there have been reports of forced organ harvesting in China, which is horrifying! Especially some religious minority groups, like Falun Gong practitioners, may be particularly targeted. Recent reports suggest that this practice continues, and the numbers are staggering!

“This includes the judgment by the China Tribunal initiated by the International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China (ETAC). In fact, the Chinese Tribunal concluded that forced organ harvesting has been carried out on a massive scale in different parts of China for years, with Falun Gong practitioners and Uighurs being the primary victims.

“I believe the British government must further interrogate the Chinese authorities on this matter and continue to monitor any new evidence that emerges. Additionally, the British government should exert pressure on the World Health Organization to respond clearly to the findings of the China Tribunal and conduct a proper independent assessment. I will continue to urge the British government to speak out clearly, letting them know that we will not stand idly by and will not tolerate such serious human rights violations.”

Member of Parliament Rt Hon Mark Pritchard MP wrote in his letter: “Everyone should have the right to religious freedom, to freely believe, change, or share their beliefs without discrimination or violence; this is a right that everyone should enjoy.

“Their experiences are heartbreaking! There are many reasons why China is one of the thirty-two countries of human rights concern to the UK, and the plight of Falun Gong practitioners is one of them.

“The UK government regularly expresses concerns about human rights issues directly to Beijing authorities, as well as the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Council of Europe, and the United Nations Human Rights Council, including concerns about the treatment of religious minorities.

“Moreover, the current Foreign Secretary, in a phone call with the Chinese Foreign Minister on December 5, 2023, outlined concerns about human rights issues in China.”

Member of Parliament Stephen Flynn MP stated in his letter: “Myself and my Scottish National Party (SNP) colleagues stand in support of Falun Gong practitioners, who have the right to freely practice their beliefs without fear of intimidation. Religious freedom and freedom of expression are fundamental rights long recognized by the international community. The international community must continue to work towards upholding religious freedom and must not tolerate persecution of religious minority groups anywhere.

“My colleague Patrick Grady MP recently spoke in a parliamentary debate on international human rights, emphasizing the need for the UK government to continue working with international partners to investigate the abuse of those who wish to peacefully practice Falun Gong.

“Rest assured, my SNP colleagues in Westminster will continue to communicate directly with the Foreign Secretary, expressing our concerns over human rights violations and the suppression of religious freedom, in an effort to pressure them to take action against the Chinese Communist regime.”

Member of Parliament Kerry McCarthy MP stated in her letter: “I firmly believe that everyone should enjoy religious freedom and be respected. The persecution and discrimination suffered by Falun Gong practitioners is appalling, with the number of deaths among them due to persecution being shocking!”

Member of the Scottish Parliament Bob Doris MSP wrote in his letter: “April 25, 1999, became a commemorative day because of Falun Gong practitioners’ peaceful appeal to the government.

“The continued repression and deprivation of basic freedoms by the Chinese Communist government have been well documented. These crimes constitute an ongoing moral and ethical scandal. I know that the international community has been trying for years to engage constructively with the Chinese authorities on these issues, including attempting to exert some diplomatic pressure, however, such engagements have not led to any acknowledgment of faults by the Chinese Communist Party, and I have not seen any easing of the treatment towards Falun Gong practitioners. Commendation is due to the UK Falun Dafa Association, as well as many other organizations around the world, they continue to focus on this important and concerning issue, keeping it in the public eye. I hope this gathering and 25th-anniversary commemoration proceed smoothly.”

Member of the House of Lords Lord Roberts of Belgravia stated in his letter: “Falun Gong practitioners have endured torment under the brutal persecution by the Chinese Communist Party, but they must know that in democratic Western countries, we will never forget their sufferings or tolerate the crimes committed against them.”

Member of the House of Lords Baroness Fookes expressed in her letter: “I strongly support freedom of religion, particularly for those who adhere to non-violent beliefs or engage in spiritual practices, such as Falun Gong practitioners. The persecution of Falun Gong practitioners by the Chinese Communist government, in my view, is utterly incomprehensible.”

Baroness (Ruth) Lister stated in her letter: “I am sending this message to express support for all Falun Gong practitioners. I myself engage in spiritual and mindfulness practices, and Tai Chi exercises, and understand the importance of these practices for mental and physical well-being. Peaceful practice is the human right of Falun Gong practitioners.”