Shanghai 25-year-old woman in finance industry exposes financial transactions with many people, draw attention

Recently, there has been widespread concern on the internet over a disclosure made by a 25-year-old female employee of Shanghai Dongzheng Futures, Wang Moyu, on the social media platform Xiaohongshu. Wang Moyu publicly admitted to engaging in inappropriate relationships with multiple men in the industry, involving transactions of money for favors, implicating companies such as Wingwin Fund and Schroder Fund.

On the evening of July 28th, a message titled “Dongzheng Futures Female Employee Self-disclosure with Identification in Hand” began circulating online.

According to a post dated July 11th, Wang Moyu claimed that she met a man named Wang in August 28, 2023, through friends and colleagues at a dinner. Initially, over the course of two months, they had simple conversations on WeChat, with Wang Moyu mistakenly thinking that Wang was married with children.

At the time, Wang Moyu’s boyfriend was Wang Xing, who worked at 中泰资管 (Zhongtai Asset Management). They were graduate school classmates and had been in a relationship for two and a half years.

In November 2023, Wang Moyu learned more about Wang’s personal situation and relationship needs, leading to increased communication. On April 29 of this year, Wang Moyu and Wang officially confirmed their romantic relationship.

During this period, Wang Moyu maintained ambiguous or inappropriate relationships with multiple individuals, accepting valuable gifts, while still not officially breaking up with her ex-boyfriend Wang Xing. In May, she broke up with Wang Xing and moved in with Wang on June 2, identifying herself as his girlfriend and fiancée.

Part of the revelation included names like Jiang from Wingwin Fund, Yu from Schroder Fund, a colleague named Yin at Dongzheng Futures, as well as individuals from fund companies like Zhu from Wingwin Fund, and Chen from 中银基金 (China Bank Fund).

According to a report from Caifeng News, Yu, the deputy general manager of the mentioned Schroder Fund, issued a response on behalf of the company stating that they are currently investigating the incident comprehensively and emphasizing their adherence to industry cultural values of compliance, integrity, professionalism, and stability, and that any deviation will be dealt with accordingly.

Red Star Capital was informed by relevant staff members at Wingwin Fund that the company is aware of the content circulating online and is taking it very seriously, currently undergoing verification and investigation. Dongzheng Futures, along with China Bank Fund and Schroder Fund mentioned in the disclosure article, have not provided direct responses.

Around 11 a.m. on July 29th, journalists from Zhengguan News contacted the phone number listed in the campus recruitment information of Dongzheng Futures’ Business Administration Headquarters, where the respondent confirmed they were an employee of Dongzheng Futures, stating that both the company and the employee have reported the matter to the police, awaiting further processing.

As of now, Wang Moyu’s disclosure has been taken down. When Fenghuang Financial Observation reached out to Dongzheng Futures for verification, the company responded that the matter had been filed, making it inconvenient to provide further comments at the moment.

However, this incident has sparked significant attention online.

Huang Xiaowen, Co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of C Technology, posted on Weibo saying, “A female employee of Shanghai Dongzheng Futures voluntarily exposed herself, posting photos, ID, and fingerprints, confessing that outside of her fiancé, she had inappropriate relationships with other financial industry peers, including a 46-year-old executive from Schroder Fund and employees from Wingwin Fund! Was this girl being threatened?”

Video blogger and Weibo influencer “Finance Insider” commented, “It seems like this girl is exposing others by revealing herself, posting a confession online, causing tension among the male figures involved. Dongzheng Futures stated that the matter has been filed…why is it being filed? Seems like there are other issues at play?”

Movie blogger and Weibo influencer “Wu Talk Movies” remarked, “This gossip has been circulated in almost every finance, banking, and political group. However, most are just bystanders making comments like ‘the financial circle is chaotic.'”