Celebrating Independence Day Spirit, New Century hosting “Beautiful America”

“America” in Chinese means “beautiful country,” which is not only the name of our festival but also a reflection of our belief: America is beautiful.
The organizers of the “Beautiful America” festival stated on Saturday.

On July 13, 2024, the second edition of the “Beautiful America” festival was held in Deer Park Town in the Hudson River Valley. At the opening ceremony on the first day, the U.S. Air National Guard Color Guard performed a flag ceremony, and renowned singer Mika Hale sang the American national anthem. Legendary figure Jimmy Sturr, who has won 18 Grammy Awards, headlined the day’s performances.

The Hudson River Valley has a rich history and is home to West Point Military Academy, attracting a large number of veterans. Organizer James H. White mentioned, “The ‘Beautiful America’ festival is also a thank you to those who have dedicated themselves to this great land, our veterans, active service members, and first responders.”

The event featured a variety of exciting performances, a selection of food stalls, and participation from local and nearby town artisans, as well as support from community service organizations such as the New York State Police, Warrior Campfire Program, and the local Veterans Commission.

A large banner was erected at the central area of the event venue with the words “Why Do You Love America?” encouraging people to share their perceptions of American values, tell their beautiful stories and life experiences. People enthusiastically left messages on the display board.

During interviews, some interviewees expressed that the beauty of America lies in its provision of freedom, freedom of speech, and freedom of belief. The people here are very friendly, and they enjoy the collective efforts to make the country better. Others mentioned the willingness of Americans to support and assist when needed, emphasizing the generosity and kindness found in the country.

Another interviewee pointed out that the beauty of America can be seen in events like today’s festival, where people can appreciate different cultures and enjoy diverse cuisines.

Karl Brabenec, Minority Whip of the New York State Assembly and Assemblyman of the 98th District of New York, attended the event. Speaking on the theme of the event, “Beautiful America,” Brabenec stated that the beauty of America stems from its spirit of freedom.

“America is the most beautiful place in the world. For everyone around the world, this is a place of freedom where you can become whoever you want to be, succeed, and live the life you desire. That’s what makes it beautiful.”

Brabenec believes that the event is meaningful for the community by bringing together people of all nationalities, races, and faiths. He praised the organizers for continuously improving the event each year and expressed excitement about Jimmy Sturr’s presence, viewing it as an added advantage for this year’s festivities.

Following the evening performances, when interviewed by Epoch Times, Jimmy Sturr expressed his delight at being invited to participate in the evening’s event. He praised the theme of “Beautiful America,” noting that its beauty was evident in the event itself, with people getting along well despite coming from different places. He emphasized the freedom to live freely in the United States.

Brabenec encouraged community members to participate, highlighting the fantastic booths and entertainment available for the whole family to enjoy. Despite the hot weather, he believes attending the event is “worth it.”

Paul Terrine, a performer of the American Revolutionary War, attended the “Beautiful America” celebration with his wife following a friend’s invitation, driving three and a half hours from northern New York.

He mentioned their presentation on the lifestyle of people during the American Revolutionary War period, military training at the time, along with teaching children the correct method of shooting and performing reenactments of repelling “British soldiers.”

He expressed, “We live in the greatest country imaginable.” As an American, he is extremely proud and encouraged non-Americans to visit and talk to Americans.

As for the past, he continued, “If we go back to the 1776 revolution, we declared independence from Britain. The citizens of Britain did not quite understand why we wanted independence. They did not have property ownership at the time. They could not vote in any form of parliamentary elections. Everything we had, they still did not have. They still found it difficult to own land and improve themselves like us. In America, the sky’s the limit.”

Local resident Raul Sánchez attended the festival with his family, stating it was a fantastic experience, and he appreciated the organizers’ efforts, describing it as a five-star event that the community needed.

Excitedly, he mentioned the delicious food at the event, including barbecue, fried chicken, tofu, fantastic tea, and ice cream for the kids. He particularly enjoyed the inflatable bounce area for children and praised the friendly atmosphere, looking forward to future events.

Teresa, a special needs teacher at a local school, emphasized the beauty of America in people having the right to choose what they want to do. She resided on the nearby street and especially enjoyed the live band performances and the delectable BBQ at the event.

Teresa felt that the event had a positive impact on the community by bringing people together to participate in something collectively.