A Statue of the Virgin Mary in Mexico Shedding Tears of Blood, Local Church Launches Investigation

In Michoacán, Mexico, a statue of the Virgin Mary in tears was recently discovered, believed by local residents to be a miracle. The local church has launched an investigation into this event.

According to a report from the British newspaper “Daily Star,” the owner of this statue of the Virgin Mary is a family residing in Morelia. On June 2nd, they noticed that the statue’s eyes began to shed a dark red liquid, prompting them to contact clergy from the Catholic Church.

The exact location of the statue has not been publicly disclosed so far, possibly to protect the safety of the statue’s owner and their family.

Photos taken by residents show dark red liquid on the statue’s cheeks, resembling tears of blood streaming down the face of the Virgin Mary. This phenomenon has been considered a miracle by believers, but typically requires investigation by the church for official recognition.

Local media quoted a resident in the vicinity saying, “I felt a kind of feeling I had never experienced before, like a mix of joy and genuine sadness, because she told us something was going to happen, and only she knows what it is. This is a miracle, hopefully a miracle that benefits everyone.”

The Archdiocese of Morelia stated in a release that caution must be exercised in handling delicate matters such as these so-called miracles.

The statement reads: “The Archdiocese of Morelia is taking necessary steps to thoroughly investigate this situation. Therefore, it is premature to express a clear position on this matter at this time.”

The statement mentioned that once any relevant reports or conclusions are made, the Archdiocese of Morelia will make them public.

A similar event of a weeping statue of the Virgin Mary occurred last year in Mexico.

In a previous report by Dajiyuan, this incident took place in the town of El Chanal in the state of Colima. A statue of the Virgin Mary in a local church was found to be shedding tears, with her eyes appearing red from weeping. This spectacle drew a large crowd of onlookers, with many referring to it as a miracle.