70% of New Yorkers support peaceful demonstration for Tibet and also support the police dispersing violent activities

According to the latest opinion poll conducted by Siena College, over 70% of New York voters support students’ peaceful demonstrations in solidarity with the suffering people of Gaza, while also showing 70% support for police dispersing violent protest activities.

The survey took place from May 13th to 15th, interviewing 1,191 registered voters in New York. 72% of voters expressed their support for “students’ peaceful demonstrations in support of the suffering people of Gaza (Palestinians),” with 46% strongly in favor and only 22% against. Surprisingly, regardless of ethnicity, political affiliation, region, or religion, the majority of voters back peaceful demonstrations, even with 51% of Jewish voters in support and 41% against.

At the same time, 70% of respondents stated their support for police dispersing radical campus protest activities, with 49% strongly supporting and only 22% opposed. Even liberals showed 46% in favor and 42% against.

64% of voters support an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, while 27% do not. However, conservatives are divided evenly at 44% for and against; with Jewish voters, 34% support and 57% oppose. 61% of voters agree that protest activities have turned into anti-Semitism, while 25% disagree.

Regarding the upcoming end-of-year referendum propositions in New York, despite a setback where a proposed constitutional amendment protecting abortion rights, the “Equal Protection of Law Amendment,” was barred from appearing on the ballot due to procedural issues raised by a judge, if it were to be included, 64% of voters would cast a favorable vote, with 22% against it. 48% support a proposal to amend the state constitution to protect transgender rights, while 32% do not. If both rights are included in the referendum, 59% are in support and 26% are not. Additionally, 63% of voters favor a referendum proposal to prohibit social media platforms from providing addictive content to minors without parental consent, while 26% do not.