600 Taiwanese Expats in Southern California Celebrate Double Tenth National Day in Orange County

On September 29th (Sunday), nearly 600 Taiwanese compatriots participated in the flag-raising ceremony celebrating the 113th anniversary of the Republic of China hosted by the Southern California Taiwan University Alumni Association and co-organized by several overseas Taiwanese organizations. The flag of the Republic of China of Taiwan, featuring the symbol of “Blue Sky, White Sun, and a Wholly Red Earth,” flew alongside the American flag under the clear blue sky at Mike Ward Community Park in Irvine.

Founder of the event and overseas Chinese affairs consultant Zhang Zhuping expressed gratitude for the enthusiastic participation of overseas Taiwanese in the 10th annual flag-raising ceremony commemorating the National Day of the Republic of China. Through this celebration, overseas Taiwanese were able to express their nostalgia and patriotism for Taiwan, fostering a sense of unity among overseas compatriots towards the Republic of China of Taiwan. He emphasized that the event not only celebrates the birthday of the Republic of China but also serves as an essential platform for cultivating cultural identity among Taiwanese descendants and nurturing the spirit of the Taiwanese community overseas. The flag-raising ceremony in Orange County has become a significant annual tradition for Taiwanese Americans in Southern California.

As the national flag slowly ascended, the sound system played the national anthem “The Flag of the Republic.” All compatriots joined in singing loudly, with some overcome with emotion, feeling tears welling in their eyes. Consul-General to Los Angeles Ji Qinyao applauded all the overseas compatriots present for participating in the flag-raising ceremony early in the morning. He stated that the flag-raising ceremony in Orange County truly showcased the deep-rooted love and appreciation that overseas compatriots living in California hold for Taiwan and their homeland.

Ji Qinyao also expressed gratitude towards all the distinguished overseas Chinese and fellow compatriots in attendance, acknowledging that no matter how far they have journeyed from their homeland, or how many years they have spent abroad, the initial aspiration of “loving Taiwan” remains unchanged among them. He particularly thanked the various overseas Chinese organizations and staff who collaborated in organizing the flag-raising ceremony, including the Southern California Chinese Alumni Association, National Cheng Kung University Alumni Association, National Chengchi University Alumni Association, Southern California Chinese Flag Team, Orange County Overseas Chinese Emergency Relief Association, as well as the World Chinese Business and Professional Women Management Association Orange County Chapter.

Various overseas Chinese organizations in Southern California have been hosting a series of events from mid-September to the end of October to celebrate the National Day of the Republic of China, showcasing the diverse and vibrant community support for Taiwan in Southern California through concrete actions. Ji Qinyao emphasized that Taiwan’s democratic system is a source of pride and hope for global Chinese communities and the world.

He once again thanked compatriots for their enthusiastic participation in the annual flag-raising ceremony, cherishing the spirit of establishing the Republic of China as the first democratic and free country in Asia and jointly defending democratic values. He also urged everyone to promote comprehensive cooperation and exchanges between Taiwan and the United States and encouraged young people to actively engage in American society, speaking up for Taiwan to further strengthen the security and prosperity of the Republic of China.

Director of the Orange County Overseas Community Center Xiao Beiru greeted the audience in English, Taiwanese, and Chinese, expressing gratitude for the joint efforts of the Southern California overseas Chinese community in supporting a free and democratic Taiwan, and wishing the Republic of China Taiwan a happy birthday. Academician Zhong Zhengming from the Academia Sinica in Taiwan, Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee members Wang Weixing and Zhao Yunmei, President of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association Li Jinsheng, co-organizer Wu Dianlong, as well as Chen Yaohua, Ye Xumin, Wu Chengxian, Chen Jingxing, Li Zhenqi, California Senator Dave Min, and Villa Park Councilor Jordan Wu were among the guests in attendance.

In addition to the flag-raising ceremony and cake-cutting ritual, the day featured exciting stage performances including releasing peace doves, dragon and lion dances, marching bands, dances, choir singing, harmonica ensemble, and more. The event also included free raffles, with the grand prize being round-trip tickets from Ontario to Taipei on China Airlines, as well as a variety of other prizes and cash rewards.