“60-Day Time Limit Policy on Shelter Leads to Over a Thousand Undocumented Immigrant Children Disrupting Their Education”

According to recent data released by the New York City Council, Mayor Eric Adams’ time limit on shelters for undocumented immigrants has forced over a thousand undocumented immigrant children to leave their original schools, transfer schools, or drop out, severely impacting the education of many children.

These children and their families are undocumented immigrants seeking shelter and were assigned to shelters upon entering the United States. Adams’ policy, which took effect in January of this year, stipulates that families with school-aged children cannot stay in shelters for more than 60 days. Since the policy was implemented, over 8,000 families have been forced to relocate, with many children needing to transfer schools and some even leaving New York City’s public schools entirely.

City Hall spokesperson Kayla Mamelak stated that this policy was implemented in response to the influx of immigrants into the city over the past two years, aiming to help these families integrate into society quickly and allow other families in need to enter the shelters.

However, this policy has faced widespread criticism, with several city council members and civil welfare organizations pointing out that it has led to abrupt relocations for families and disrupted education for the children. Especially since many of these immigrant children have already experienced similar psychological traumas in the past. Councilmember Alexa Avilés criticized the government for failing to provide adequate support and educational resources, and called for a reassessment of this policy by the mayor’s office.

Additionally, some families are required to reapply for shelter after receiving relocation notices. The city government stated that this process is typically completed within a day. However, in reality, many families still face uncertainty and multiple moves before securing stable housing.

On the school front, teachers and counselors have also expressed concerns about the policy, noting that school stability is crucial for children’s psychological and academic development. The Department of Education is sending notifications and providing transportation support to let these families know they have the option to remain at their original school.
