4-Year-Old Daughter Pretends to be Ill and Skips School, Tao Manman Explores High Emotional Intelligence

Taiwanese celebrity Tao Manman, who married her non-celebrity boyfriend in 2018 and has two daughters, often shares parenting tips. On the 18th, she revealed on Facebook that in the morning she was getting ready to send her daughter to school. Her 4-year-old suddenly complained of a stomach ache, but she sensed that her child might not actually be feeling unwell but rather didn’t want to go to school. Through casual conversation, she subtly probed to uncover the true reason her daughter didn’t want to attend school.

Tao Manman shared on Facebook that although her eldest daughter said she had a stomach ache, she observed from a mother’s perspective that her daughter didn’t seem as uncomfortable as she claimed. After dropping off her younger daughter at school, she asked the older one on the way back if her stomach still hurt, to which the child replied, “It seems like it’s not better yet.” She keenly realized that there must be a reason behind the situation, so she began to gently inquire, “Darling, what do you like to do the most at school all day? And is there anything you don’t like?”

In response to the former question, her daughter said, “I like everything at school.” Regarding the latter, the child also opened up, saying, “I often can’t fall asleep during nap time, but the teacher always tells me to close my eyes and rest, and I don’t want to close my eyes or fall asleep.”

Tao Manman casually asked, “So that’s what it is! But at school, you have nap time every day. What should we do?” Her daughter replied, “Um… I don’t know, please don’t tell the teacher. I will go to school tomorrow.” Finally, the child let slip her little secret that she didn’t want to go to school because she didn’t want to nap.

However, after Tao Manman uncovered the truth, she didn’t scold her daughter for pretending to be sick but instead calmly said, “Let me tell you, today Mom will help you take a day off, but it’s only this once. In the future, whether you stay at this school or go to another one, you need to follow the school’s schedule and routine, okay?”

After successfully calming her daughter’s emotions, the child immediately smiled. When asked again if her stomach still hurt, she cleverly changed her tune, saying, “Let me check, it seems like it’s better now.”

Tao Manman reflected at the end of her post, “After this incident, I feel like I’m Conan. I finally understand what older moms mean when they say, ‘I know everything about this child.’ I also admire myself for not getting too emotional while dealing with this.”

The 38-year-old Tao Manman, with high emotional intelligence, couldn’t help but remark after handling the situation, “After becoming a mother, my temper has really improved a lot!” Netizens also praised her handling of the situation, commenting, “Mom is awesome! This is truly a learning-worthy approach!”
