35th Hwa Yue Music Festival Southern California 17 Choirs to Perform on the 27th

The Huahua Foundation will hold its annual “Huahua Music Season” joint concert with the Southern California Chorus on April 27, with a total of 17 choirs performing together. The performance will take place at the Performance Arts Center of Baldwin Park, and audience members are invited to enter for free at 10 a.m. The all-day event will be divided into morning and afternoon sessions. Due to limited seating, it is advised to arrive early to secure a seat.

During a press conference on April 18, the president of the Huahua Foundation, Peng Meixing, reflected on the past 37 years. The Huahua Music Season, only interrupted twice by pandemics, is now quietly entering its 35th year. Every spring, it becomes a carnival for the choral community of Southern California.

The foundation’s mission is to gather music enthusiasts from the overseas Chinese community in Southern California, bringing together singing groups from all corners to hold a joint choir concert annually. Members, regardless of age, gender, or religious beliefs, come together to sing, using this platform not only to perform but also to socialize and learn from each other.

Fang Qiongyi, Deputy Director of the Los Angeles Overseas Chinese Center, stated that the Huahua Music Season also serves to unite the local overseas Chinese community. Holding a joint concert for 35 consecutive years in Southern California is a rare achievement, and she wishes for the event’s success, urging music enthusiasts from the overseas Chinese community to actively participate in this musical feast and invite friends from all ethnic backgrounds to join.

The lineup of the 17 performing groups includes: Western Red, Rui Sheng, Wufeng Harmonies, National Taiwan University Alumni, LA Women’s Chorus, Los Angeles Men’s Chorus, and Listen Bamboo Women’s Chorus. The afternoon lineup includes performances by Dainai Singers, Voice of Love, Huasheng, Huayi, Sunshine, University Chorus, Fuzhi Praise, Huaxia, Los Angeles Voice, and Huayin.

Peng Meixing expressed anticipation for this year’s performance on a professional stage with excellent acoustics, expecting each group to showcase their talent by singing famous traditional and contemporary songs from both domestic and international repertoires. She extended special thanks to the six new members who joined the foundation in the preparation process and the support from friends who love singing, all contributing to the success of this music season.

The joint concert has received resonance and sponsorship from California’s society, with two banks and an insurance company booking full-page ads in this year’s festival booklet. Peng Meixing also expressed gratitude to the generous sponsorship from three choir leaders: Zhang Meimei, the leader of Yuelin Choir; Li Huiqiong, the leader of Huayi Choir; and Zhang Kequn, the leader of Western Red Choir.