32 senior Chinese Communist officials have died in rapid succession, including two major generals

For over four years, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been covering up the epidemic. Epoch Times collected and compiled data on the deaths of numerous high-ranking CCP officials from various sectors such as party, government, military, police, scientific research, education, and arts, and found that most of them were CCP members. Their common characteristics were serving for the CCP’s existence, promoting CCP’s ideology, and supporting the CCP’s evil rule. The causes of death were often labeled by the authorities as “ineffective medical treatment,” without specifying the specific illnesses. Many of them were elites in various fields, but their talents, efforts, and dedication were misplaced. Since the CCP came to power, it has caused the abnormal deaths of 80 million people and is still persecuting good Chinese people, accumulating bloody debts. Good and evil will have consequences, the epidemic targets the Communist Party, and the CCP’s regime is on the verge of collapse. Those who stand with the CCP will become the CCP’s sacrifices. It is the way to save oneself by quickly disassociating from the CCP’s organizations.

In late August to mid-September 2024, at least 32 high-level officials in mainland China have died, all of them CCP members, including two major generals, two provincial-level officials, among others.

Huang Haibo, a CCP member and former deputy chairman of the party committee at Guangxi Normal University, as well as secretary of the United Front Work Department and party secretary of the office of the party committee, passed away at the age of 59 on September 19, 2024.

Xu Zhe, a CCP member and deputy squadron leader of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Public Security Bureau in Binhai New Area of Tianjin, a senior police officer at the fourth level, passed away at the age of 43 on September 15, 2024.

Wang Kaihu, a CCP member and secretary of the discipline inspection commission and deputy director of the Japan Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, unexpectedly passed away at the age of 51 on September 14, 2024.

Fei Junfeng, a CCP member and director and associate professor of the School Psychology Education Research Institute at Nanjing University, and former director of the Psychological Health Education and Research Center at Nanjing University, passed away at the age of 50 on September 3, 2024.

Liu Dakun, a CCP member and deputy director of the Standing Committee of the 18th People’s Congress of Jinan City, Shandong Province, and member of the party committee, passed away at the age of 59 on September 1, 2024.

Li Changsheng, a CCP member and member of the 13th Committee of the Black Dragonjiang Province, as well as party secretary, passed away at the age of 57 on August 29, 2024.

Luo Sheng, a CCP member and committee member of the Inner Mongolia Hohhot Customs party committee (deputy bureau-level), party secretary of the anti-smuggling bureau, director, and inspector, passed away at the age of 56 on August 24, 2024.

Xu Yong, a CCP member and major general, former commander of the Tibet Military Region, passed away at the age of 66 on September 13, 2024.

Chen Xianhua, a CCP member and former deputy commander of the Chengdu Military Region, passed away on September 12, 2024.

Zhong Qihuang, a CCP member and former chairman and party committee secretary of the Jiangxi Provincial Committee Conference, passed away on August 30, 2024.

Gu Anran, a CCP member and former director of the Legal Work Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, passed away on August 25, 2024.

Gao Jianxin, a CCP member and former deputy secretary of the discipline inspection commission of the Tianjin Municipal Committee, retired on September 17, 2024.

Jia Peifeng, a CCP member and former deputy director of the National Academy of Calligraphy and Chinese Painting, retired on September 17, 2024.

Liang Zhu, a CCP member and former deputy secretary of the Luchuan County Committee of Guangxi, who enjoys political and living treatment at the department level and reimburses medical expenses at the deputy provincial (department) level, passed away on September 13, 2024.

Liu Hongkui, a CCP member and former director of the Big Dudu District Branch of the Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau, who enjoys medical treatment reimbursement at the provincial and ministerial level, passed away on September 11, 2024.

Fang Youcheng, a CCP member and former deputy director of the Anhui Xuancheng Economic Commission, passed away on September 9, 2024.

Hu Jiaxiang, a CCP member and former inspector of the Jiangsu Laser Research Institute, who enjoys treatment at the deputy county (division) level, retired on September 7, 2024.

Zhang Chongxiu, a CCP member, retired from the Liaoning Petroleum and Chemical Industry Bureau’s special case office at the bureau level, passed away on September 6, 2024.

Yang Zhimin, a CCP member and former inspector of the inspection team at the Liaoning Province Oil and Chemical Industry, who enjoys treatment at the bureau level and reimburses medical expenses at the deputy provincial and ministerial level, passed away on September 5, 2024.

Cheng Xi, a CCP member and former deputy director of the Liaoning Provincial Political Consultative Conference, passed away on September 4, 2024.

Hu Jiaxiang, a CCP member and public administration expert, former vice president and professor of Northeastern University, passed away on September 4, 2024.

Sheng Zongyao, a CCP member and former deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Jinshan District People’s Congress, Shanghai, died on August 31, 2024.

Jiang Xiande, a CCP member and former party secretary and director of the Petrochemical Office, deceased on August 26, 2024.

Shang Longjiang, a CCP member and former party committee secretary and director of the People’s Congress of Zibo City, Shandong Province, passed away on August 21, 2024.

Epoch Times published the “Epoch Times Statement” on the Quitting CCP website, indicating that the end of the Communist Party is approaching. It is mentioned that the evil party (cult) has committed heinous crimes against sentient beings, against gods and buddhas in history, and that God will surely hold this demon accountable. When the day comes that God calls on humanity to hold the Communist Party accountable, those so-called steadfast CCP members will not be spared.

Under the long-term atheistic brainwashing of the CCP in China, many Chinese people do not believe that good and evil will be repaid. However, for members of the CCP organization and those who ideologically align with the CCP, God will take their lives in various ways, including through diseases and epidemics.

Since the outbreak of the CCP virus (COVID-19) epidemic in December 2022, numerous CCP members, officials, and experts, scholars, and celebrities supporting the CCP from various fields have died. Multiple pieces of evidence indicate that the epidemic is still prevalent in China, causing a large number of deaths. However, the CCP authorities prohibit further nucleic acid testing and do not allow it to be treated as an epidemic response.

As early as March 2020, at the beginning of the epidemic, Master Li Hongzhi warned in an article titled “Rationality”: “The current ‘CCP virus’ (Wuhan pneumonia) pandemic is purposeful and targeted. It is here to eliminate the Party’s evil elements, those who follow the evil Communist Party.”

Li Hongzhi also pointed out, “Stay away from the evil Communist Party, do not stand for the evil party because behind it is a red devil, behaving like a thug and committing all evils. God will start to eradicate it, and those who stand with it will be eliminated.”

Master Li Hongzhi also indicated how people can avoid dangers in this pandemic, saying, “People should sincerely repent to God, recognizing their own faults and hoping for a chance to change for the better. This is the solution, this is the miracle cure.”