18th Day of Matsu Pilgrimage Arrives in Houston Chinatown, Streets Warmly Closed Off

In news from May 6, 2024, the Ma Tsu of Beigang Chaotian Temple is scheduled to visit San Francisco, Houston, and New York in the United States on May 14, led by Chairman Cai Yongde. During this visit, Ma Tsu will reunite with the long-awaited believers and also visit sister temples to share the authentic religious and cultural heritage of Taiwan with the communities across the Pacific.

This marks Ma Tsu’s first visit to Houston, and local devotees are thrilled and have prepared a rich and warm itinerary for her visit. The Houston Tourism Bureau sent representatives to the Beigang Chaotian Temple on Ma Tsu’s birthday, May 1, to extend a warm welcome to Ma Tsu’s upcoming visit to Houston.

Overseas Chinese Affairs Commissioner Chen Yiling stated that Ma Tsu is scheduled to arrive in Houston on the evening of May 18 and will temporarily stay at the Houston Temple of the Goddess of Heaven, marking the first meeting between the sister temples. During this time, Ma Tsu’s security will be overseen by the Houston Police Department to ensure a smooth procession.

On May 19, Ma Tsu will make a pilgrimage in the southwest management area of Houston’s Chinatown. Texas Governor signed an administrative district within Houston’s jurisdiction, and Southwest Management Area Chairman Li Xiong fully supports the event, assisting in coordinating route planning and street closures. Houston’s Mayor, dignitaries, and international community leaders are invited to witness and experience the spiritual feast from Taiwan. Beigang Chaotian Temple donated a palanquin for the procession, which will be airlifted to Texas by EVA Air and managed by the Houston Taiwanese Association. The procession will be led by Deputy Chief Ban Tian of Vietnamese descent, starting from the Overseas Chinese Education Center at 8:30 AM, marching to the Huikang Square in Chinatown. The procession will feature lion dances led by the Teochew Association, dragon dances by the Qing Chamber of Commerce, the Three Princes performed by FASCA Youth Cultural Ambassadors, and devotees and teams from across the southern United States. Ma Tsu will pause for two hours at Huikang Square for devotees to pay their respects, with activities including fortune-telling and the palanquin drill.

On the evening of May 20, a joint temple fair will be held to demonstrate that Ma Tsu’s love knows no borders and reaches all beings. Houston, being one of the most diverse cities in America, provides an opportunity for friends from around the world to get to know Ma Tsu and form a connection with her.

On May 21, Ma Tsu will depart from Houston Hobby Airport for New York to continue her journey.

This visit by Ma Tsu is not only a grand event in the Taiwanese American community in the United States but also a cultural exchange that allows international friends to experience and connect with Taiwan on a deeper level.