“【Web Search】Various Levels in China Rapidly Evolving into Migrant Workers”

In China, various social classes are rapidly being “peasant-ized”. The upper echelons of the social pyramid have tasted the huge benefits of the peasant worker model and are now promoting it across all industries. When these workers are no longer needed, they are simply sent back to the countryside. Over the past few decades, a defining characteristic of Chinese society has been pushing everything to the extreme. For example, in business, prices are slashed to the lowest possible, employees are squeezed dry, even the tech industry operates on a 996 schedule. The peasant worker system has even expanded to academia, with a group of PhD holders being treated as peasant workers. – @CaminoTexas

“New Totalitarianism” and “Orwellianism” – Renowned democratic theory scholar, Professor Larry Diamond, believes that using the terms “Neo-Totalitarianism” and “Orwellian” to describe the Chinese Communist Party is highly accurate. He states, “China has now become an ‘Orwellian’ state, using state security and political suppression as reasons to employ the most advanced surveillance, communication, and control technologies. Never before in world history has a country utilized methods so extensively and precisely to monitor its people, creating a climate of fear. This is why many people, including numerous entrepreneurs, do not wish to live there.”

The Trust Crisis Harvests the Middle Class – At the scene of Ping An Trust’s communication, many families are losing sleep and suffering heavy losses. The trust crisis is hitting the middle class hard. A colleague of mine sold their house in a prestigious school district for 5 million yuan two to three years ago and invested the entire sum in Ping An Trust. They expected to earn tens of thousands within a year, but ended up losing everything. The road to seeking justice is long. – Watcher in the Night Rolling Snowball

“I Lead a Happy Life” – “Ivanovich, do you often read the ‘Truth News’?” “Of course, how else would I know that I lead a happy life?”

Editor: Li Li